
For this price the fleshlights better be already installed!

Humans are usually vile. On the internet vile people + anonymity = complete monsters.

It’s a good game. Amazing creators.

Reading your further replies I see you are not one of the crazies. My apologies.

Stupidity usually has that effect on people not suffering from it.

You people remind me of the No Man’s Sky fanatics that fought tooth and mail against anyone who said anything that wasn’t a glowing preview. Then they become the game’s most hateful and embittered enemies when it was released.

In ten years when they will still be in alpha (alpha 359.0) maybe people will care.

“Done sooner” like it was promised it would? Fanboys...

You are truly stupid and ignorante if you think these are not standard industry’s rules.

Gonna try that. Thanks.

So Microsoft will get 65% of this Minecraft marketplace?

Seriously fuck this scrolling bullshit. I ended up commenting on another article.

These Splatoon games look like Imperial Stormtrooper training programs.

Great, Nintendo. Just great...

These gacha traps are exactly like drugs. They start amazing and when you feel addicted they drop the bombs and you can only progress by paying high amounts. For free becomes sluggish and you NEVER gets the ones you want.

WTF did the idiots at Blizzard’s forum take it down?

Every time an emulation article is published this exact same post is made.

Would be a better game.

Of course do I care. What kind of BS question is that?

Well, it will be very difficult to patch the disappointing writing and the bland story, bland visuals and bland enemies.