
The trailer is advertisement. Head, sand and all that.

Please point to the any text or video where the developers said “Oh by the way, that feature we are still showing in our promotional material trying to convince you to buy our game? We cut it out.”

You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”

Because paying up $60 for A and receiving B is entitlement.

The Eternal Loser, he’s like a mystical entity by now. The Eldritch God of all losers!

You mean the already starved personal slaves of Kim? That boat already sailed long ago.

Strangle their ability to have a military industry, or any industry at all, by blockading all their ways in and out of the country starving their ability to fight.

Indeed. That’s what I get for having loads of tabs open.

Oh really? Because I criticized you beloved president? The most powerful man in the world? Who simply let North Korea turn into a nuclear power that’s about to get an ICBM as well?

Strangle their ability to have a military industry by blockading all their ways in and out of the country starving their ability to fight. A nuclear North Korea doesn’t interest anyone, not even China who actually has borders with the lunatics and can have a few cities nuked themselves by the crazies in power there.

Wouldn’t that be a interesting read?

The problem with this story is that everyone knows what side is on the wrong. There is no tension or conflict. Captain Marvel is wrong. End of discussion. How childish.

Like the brain dead drone who posts to say nothing at all? Good job!

“Everyone else will try maintain our paradise garden world as best as they can.”

Oh, I don’t know, maybe anything at all?

If it is a fucking structure, made by fucking aliens and it is fucking huge...

Not in Crazyland.

They are all dead and the world is the Purgatory.

If your got their money and your shit is broken it’s your fault not theirs.

Gotta love these broken, self-hating gamers who find it their mission on Earth to protect the poor, poor businesses.