My heart dropped towards the end.
My heart dropped towards the end.
I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an…
Incorporating lingerie hasn’t been a focus or thing for my husband and I, and it wasn’t part of sex when we were dating either. He is comfortable with his body around me, while i’m more reserved.
I...don’t even know where to begin with that. It’s the same misogynistic bullshit that came out of Kanye’s mouth, though.
But I think that’s sort of the point. Nobody reasonable thinks Taylor Swift is where she is because of Kanye West. Nobody who knows anything at all about them, and they’re two of the most famous people on the planet, thinks that what Kanye said isn’t just the sort of ridiculous, hyperbolic thing that people say in rap…
I’m sorry, but if you’re gonna stomp your feet and whine about someone “stealing” your dancers (as if they’re property and not people with minds of their own and jobs to do)— to the point of writing one of the most childish songs in recent memory, you either have the emotional maturity of a 3 year old or you have a…
Ellen is interwoven for me with my own coming out. My parents were both fans of her sitcom, and had been watching up to that point, and I knew it. I, fourteen, read in the newspaper about how she was a lesbian, and was coming out on her show, and how big a deal this was.
Dude just stop. Only a whiny little boy can’t face the cold hard truth of our gender- we have a large, long, and statistically verified history of violence against women we’re attracted to. Women don’t. It’s us. Our problem. Sitting here thinking the stupid things you do is cowardly. A grown adult acknowledges the…
I absolutely love that a man would speak up for them.
They need producers to speak honestly for them, and that’s the vantage from which he’s speaking: as someone who has literally seen and can speak to the obstacles to getting women like them approved by Big Studio.
Yeah, Rose might have gone a little overboard with that though
Well, and the little bits of harrassment. Like, a man who peeks in the cracks of the stall just a little too long, a little too often. Who just happens to be there whenever you are, etc. It doesn’t even have to be straight-up assault - there’s lots of opportunities for perving in bathrooms that I could definitely see…
Call me backwards or old fashioned, but *do not want.*
I just don’t feel like lessening the proximity in this fashion is a great idea. Sure, a man can just walk in. However if it’s a restroom only for women, the moment he walks in the door we know something is up.
Totally fine with people using the restroom of the gender they identify with, but I don’t want men in the bathrooms with me. We can say “what’s stopping men now from going into the women’s restroom?” but the reality is, it’s a societal expectation that would be uncomfortable to break. I think once you remove that we…
As I woman, I have more to fear from straight men than from any other group. I’d rather use a public restroom with only women and trans women. I’m not pee and poop shy. I’ll pee and poop wherever. However, I don’t want to be in a public restroom with my panties down where men can come in there. I watch enough…
Let me get this straight. The Oscars don’t want to give rightful nominations to black people but they want them to serve the the award to the white winners to make up for it?