
I am in no way trivializing this sad story, but... I also hate the phrase “turned up missing.” If it’s MISSING, it didn’t TURN UP. By definition.

The best revelation here is that bandeau tops are for nobody at all.

Sounds like some typical Liberal Tolerance workshopping right there. If only these kids knew how much your Liberalism was working in their favor.

Hahahaha, the funniest part of your comment is that when one of my conservative circle found out I was enrolling in “Psych 101” at Scary State University (1997), she took me aside and warned me that they were going to teach me liberal theories of morality development, and they were going to tell me that what we

We have overcome slavery and all that other negative stuff!! It’s ancient history that has nothing to do with us, and don’t let someone with an education tell you otherwise!

Your dad is Paul Rudd?? How’d you do that?

Oh, yeah, when I read what he said to a victim, I almost forget that this is “an attack on faith.”

When they handed out copies at my conservative church, I must have breezed right by that chapter! I didn’t expect a bunch of mommies to be so worked up over brunch.

Another example of an erosion of our American values. (Did you find that substitution recommendation on the Gay Agenda?)

EXACTLY. What does yogurt have to do with sex? Duh, money!

Also, the millions of moms are onto something... what DOES yogurt have to do with sex? What does beer have to do with sex? What do cars have to do with sex? What do website domain names have to do with sex? What do chicken wings have to do with sex? ... What do guns have to do with religion? What does the flag have to

In a stunning reversal of intention, the yogurt sold me on the pretty ladies! Dammit, all the million moms were right about the gay agenda.

I’m reading these and re-living my own puberty years — I hate that so many of these stories (including my own experiences) end in some version of “that’s when I stopped being physically active in public.”

SECONDED. I work in child abuse investigations & interventions. Seriously, teach your kids that their bodies are theirs from the beginning.

Same here. It’s just hard knowing WHICH men are going to turn out to be creeps.

I have a daughter, too, and I think the biggest message I want her to internalize is that you can say no, and you can tell these jerks to stop — that it is THEY who are acting way out of line and SHE does not have to feel ashamed or responsible for their behavior. (Even if they don’t stop, it’s her right to speak up,

This is such an important question. I didn’t just learn that “men were checking me out,” I learned that men are predatory. I actually think about it a lot — I’m married to a good man and I have good brothers and good male friends. So, when I was 10, this older guy who always seemed to be at the grocery store began

Oh, good recommendation. Thanks!

That's not the one. It's, um, on a "Ridge." Billed as a resort. Easton is not in the name, but the lake it's on is. Not to be juvenile and cagey, but don't plan a vacation there.