I had that theme since Firewatch came out until I switched to the PS2 dynamic theme. The Firewatch is a great theme.
The movies will all be released when they figure out how to change The Weinstein Company to The Plummer Company, and have Christopher retroactively produce them
The Firewatch theme has been my desktop for like 6-8 months. Mellow music that doesn’t drone on, and the scene is a a sunset/sunrise that changes depending on the time of day, and it’s nearly always pretty to look at. I honestly can’t foresee changing it; it’s very appealing
Speaking on Dynamic themes, I spent a few hours going though them a few weeks ago and man oh man, 80% of them are dumpster fires, hot, stinking ones, with some of the ones put out by third and first party devs having the terrible choice of making it almost impossible to read text against them.
Think of the skeeziest bar you’ve ever been to, with a staff who caters to the worst crowd imaginable, that my friends is what it’s like to go to an NFL game in 2018.
Eagles Fans: Destroying Stereotypes Since Never.
It’s surely not the only reason, but Lombardi is high on the list of why I quit listening to the Bill Simmons podcast.
Your trolling is so incredibly basic. Try harder. This one you left in reply to DrugstoreGlasses, who is going through a tough time, was particularly uninspired:
I wouldn’t bother with this person if I was you. Recognised them from sns, look at their first comment and what it was replying to.
To the people who will say “he’s only one of a few police who feel this way...most police aren’t racist”
1) It’s a repeat from 2012
The light has gone out of my life.
What if the ham sandwich is drenched in mayo?
LOL project “veritas”! How dumb fuck stupid do you have to be to buy into any of their shit?
Back in college in Chicago, I made sure to take one day every year to make the walk downtown and back (about 17 miles altogether) along Lake Michigan during a snowstorm. In my full parka, hood, scarf, and glasses up, it really felt like I was completely alone, just me passively experiencing the city one on one, as…
True Pats fans right now are torn between whether to blame ESPN or Roger Goodell for this latest unfair outrage. Whatever the eventual response, I’m sure it will contain the phrase “haters.”
People don’t want to go to the movies to see millionaire, spoiled brat actors kneeling in protest against the anthem. MAKE THEM STAND!
Chevy Chase once gave an awkward, uncomfortable performance in an airplane bathroom with Eartha Kitt.