
I should have scrolled down.

Like, so she can vote for moderate candidates in primaries? Because that's the only good reason I can think of to be a registered Republican these days. (Serious question.)

"Hans, are we the baddies?"

"Winter in Wisconsin is the best seven months of the year!"

Oh my god, what an insanely callous, idiotic thing to say to someone dealing with a serious chronic illness. >_< People can be such clueless assholes.

Yeah, it was years ago. I've occasionally experience stress-related anorexia since then, but never for an extended period of time—more like, sometimes I'll have a really bad day and dinner ends up being a mechanical process instead of a satisfying experience.

All my sympathies. That is a shitty, shitty thing to have to deal with.

I've always loved to eat, so I used to have a hard time wrapping my head around the phenomenon of anorexia (as in, lack of appetite, not anorexia nervosa, the psychological eating disorder)…until I went through an extremely stressful period at work that completely killed my appetite, and eating anything at all felt

Years ago, my sister lost a lot of weight when she was deeply depressed and had no appetite and kept forgetting to eat. She got tons of compliments on being thin, but losing so much weight so fast permanently borked her metabolism, so she gained it all back and more once she got better and starting eating normally

I googled "chicken salt" and I am jealous as hell.

No, that's just you.

Kind of forward of you to just assume Jessica Chastein is into vore.

Lady Gaga is probably not a Republican.

I've read so many stories like that, and every one of them is heartbreaking and enraging.

Hey, congrats Oliver & Co.! This is well-deserved.

And him rolling with it, Jesus Christ.

That is easily one of the greatest stories I have ever heard in my life.

I vote multi-language cross-over films because multilingualism fascinates me. I want to know more about how Indian film handles language in a serious way.

The babies! So cute! I have five of them. Would you like me to mail you one?

I've commented on your blog at least once, I think, but I actually discovered it from your posts on one of the rare AV Club articles about Indian film. I wanna say it had something to do with Salman Khan, but I could be mixing up memories. (Every time they have an Indian film article, the few AV Club fans crawl out