Their Finest. It made me cry.
Their Finest. It made me cry.
My sister and her husband just bought a condo, so I'm crossing my fingers that they're finally going to reproduce. (They've always stated their intention to do so, there were just some obstacles in the way, their cramped, one-bedroom apartment being one of them.) I want some nieces and/or nephews already!
Get a spider-plant. They're unkillable. My mom accidentally left one outside too long into the fall, and all the leaves turned brown and fell off. The next spring, it grew right back.
Not bad. I went to see Their Finest which was excellent, and also more painful than I was expecting, based on the trailer. (The trailer kind of plays up the cute bits, but it's about as full of death and scary stuff as you'd expect a film set in London during the Blitz to be.)
I give a damn about Indian films.
Hey! I just got my copy of your book the other day. Looking forward to reading it.
I recommend getting into Bollywood. Bollywood's fun.
I mean, I didn't have any moral qualms (like you, I was concerned that she wasn't going to kill him), but that's when I went from "This needs to be done. Do it." to "FASTER PUSSYCAT, KILL, KILL!"
He wasn't remotely in Oscar's league of "controlling asshole", but by the end of it, I was glad it didn't look like they were getting back together, even if Tim was played by dreamy Cousin Matthew. He obviously cared about her, and probably had a valid point about her behavior (and how it impacted him and their…
Based on the van he used to ferry all of that stuff from Oscar over to Gloria's house, he was a handyman.
Ding ding ding.
It's just like…if this is how he behaves when he's at the risk of being crushed to death by the woman he was victimizing, he's never going to change.
I don't think I would have had an intellectual problem with Gloria killing Oscar in any case—by that point, he'd not only committed pre-meditated mass murder, but openly declared his intention to keep doing so every night unless she stayed under his thumb for the rest of her life—but yeah, the "bitch" comment was when…
Davis, who was the Academy’s first female President, pushed the Academy to scrap the “dinner and dancing” aspect of the Oscars and to switch over to presenting the awards in a large theater, charging $25 dollars a seat and donating the proceeds to war relief efforts (this was shortly after Pearl Harbor, when people…
No way is that a coincidence. That's a clear homage.
To this day, I'm not sure if I actually watched Voyage of the Dawn Treader, or my brain merely formulated the experience based on having watched the first two and also the BBC adaptation.
…..I did not see that twist coming. o_O
You may be confusing him with Luke Spencer on General Hospital, also very famously a rapist.
I got all the way to "stodgier" before I scrolled up to confirm that this was indeed O'Neal.
How'd you like the book? I freaking LOVED the film, and it's stoked my curiosity about the real life Fawcett.