
I always like to point out articles like this to libertarians and Republican types who claim that we don’t need to regulate business because the free market will prevent stuff like this. How did that work out for all those people who developed cancer?


Right? Making a little green backpack harness to stash books for some sky reading? That’s so damn endearing!

I can’t even describe how angry this makes me. First of all, the books aren’t yours. Second of all, they’re BOOKS. Asshole.

What an egotistical jerk. I would totally not call him again after the sex.

She WAS married to Johnny Depp...

Wow Amber Heard must have a boatload of self-restraint. 

I would murder him.

Underwear sucks at communicating consent because rapists can’t know what underwear you’re wearing until they’re already raping you.

I mean, there is a literal pipeline for recruitment into white supremecists groups through misogyny outfits like MRA groups and Gamergate. It’s not just “turns out violent people are violent.” There’s active programming going on.

It’s a complete mystery. How can people be quick to believe a man who built his reputation on violence is a violent man while not making the same assumption about a career politician after one accusation? /s

Of course Richard Spencer abused his wife. These Nazis, bigots and racists are hateful, violent people. Their entire life philosophy is based on hatred and violence. So, yeah. Richard Spencer is a scum-bag.

The thing is, people very rarely drink these bottles of wine which I personally think is insane (though you don’t know if you’ll be pouring yourself a very expensive glass of vinegar).

Even in slow motion she’s moving really, really fast.

I could’ve sworn that Madonna dated Sandra Bernhard.

Yes, dating women is not a requirement for being sexually attracted to them. I don’t think I need to say that about straight people and gay people but for some reason everyone forgets if someone is bi.

Two out of three of those women are also into women, so I'm going to have to disagree a little bit. It was performative, but not exploitative. As a bisexual woman, I'm all for people being free to be just as performative about their sexuality as straight celebrities are with theirs.

I think it’s just a really bad fake tan. She used to regularly look orange back then. 

It has been pointed out to you several times that the ideologies of the Republican and Democratic parties have shifted since the Civil War. You refuse to acknowledge that fact and keep pushing the “right-wing President freed the slaves” bullshit that is patently false. You have no desire to engage in a discussion of tr

You are one dense sisterfucker.