
Oh my dear god. I didn't know that old guys knew how to neg. My dad and his cronies can barely manage to work their Blackberries, but somehow his generation picks up negging with lightning-fast speed??

One of the best nights out of my life actually looked like being one of my worst for a second there. The BFF (who is stunningly lovely) and I were hanging about in a bar and your typical middle-aged no-hoper came strutting over, radiating unpleasantness and Lynx bodyspray He looked the BFF in the eye and said "I know

No, but it's stupid for them to think that super young women want to be bothered with them, and kind of hypocritical.

It's not "pointless" to be angry about gender inequality.

The problem with that theory, though, is the ridiculously low upper limit these types of guys will set— maybe a year or two older than them, versus, say, all the way down to 18 or 21 for the lower limit. They're not throwing any darts above them, so to speak. Ughhh, it makes me so ragey/barfy all at once.

Actually recent studies suggest that after 40 male fertility can drop by over 50% and by the time they reach 50 only 10% had sperm viable enough to fertilize an egg. The idea that spermatogenesis can create viable sperm until a man dies is a popular myth and while some men may be able to reproduce until they die they

No kidding. I have a friend who's had four miscarriages. Only after she found a woman GYN was it suggested they test her man's sperm for abnormalities. Ya think?

Yep, I've heard this too. I really think the way we ignore this is a holdover from older beliefs that anything going wrong with conceiving is the woman's fault.

I'm going to post this separately as a general response to all the men positing that older men seek younger women because of declining fertility. Guess what? Your fertility declines, too. Sperm reproduces upon itself, meaning each "cloned" sperm is of lesser quality than the one it came from. (Think of every movie you