I’ve only seen a couple of episodes, but here’s an interesting video on it:
I’ve only seen a couple of episodes, but here’s an interesting video on it:
Darkness was Season 10 or 11, I think. It had some interesting ideas about God and played with creation tale. Essentially, there’s a verse that says “Darkness was on the Earth,” so they turned Darkness into God’s sister.
The Darkness storyline grew on me eventually. The latest season, though, really feels like they’re reaching for ideas. “Hey, look; it’s Lucifer! Again! And Rowena! Again! And the Men of Letters are eeevil..or are they good? Whoooo.”
Same thing happened to me. I used my student loans to pay off the debt collectors and am in the process of paying down the student loans.
All citizens must watch Hocus Pocus or they will be killed!
That’s a thing? Growing up, every time we needed vanilla, we dumped a capful in there until I learned how to measure properly.
At least their credit freeze page still works. I’m not sure how long it will take to process, but I feel like it’s a start.
Yeah, I’ll just rewatch Atypical instead. It was fairly predictable and some of the characters’ decisions seemed odd, but overall, it was funny and enjoyable.
Reminds me of a scene from The Good Place (I can’t wait for that show to come back).
I was able to spend a few hours playing it yesterday. At least half of that had me pulling out a calculator and pen & paper so I could make charts and do math because I just had to know what was down that elevator shaft. Or what I would get from talking to a ghost lady in a cemetery. This is a game in which I…
I eat junk food! I’ve always had one of those metabolisms where I just don’t put on weight; in high school, everyone thought I was anorexic because when I graduated, I was about 95. I’m still a good weight (about 130), but I’m starting to eat healthier since junk food tends to give me acid reflux and I’ve started…
I have to talk about the 5 minutes thing. Kids don’t have a concept of “5 minutes;” instead, you can tell them that they have time to do one more activity (“Johnny, you can find 3 more shells and then it’s time to go home.”) or use a visual timer. Some will still kick and scream, but it sets expectations.
I’ve only heard the Google Translate version of it and watched a critical review (Todd in the Shadows). They were both hilarious and pretty much how I get my pop songs these days.
Working on another new base in 7 Days to Die. I’ve also found several games on Tabletop I’ll probably be playing.
I’ve never had a bad experience with Wells Fargo. Mainly because the day my bank changed over to them, I took my money straight to a credit union and never looked back.
Really, it starts before they get toilet training. The one-year-olds at work would explore when I was changing them and I’d acknowledge it. “Yep, that’s where the pee comes out! That’s why your diaper’s wet.” When they’re toilet training, it’s important to use respectful language and not make a big deal of it. “You…
I remember the .edu days! Back when you could put buttons on a bulletin board and actually talk to each other. Now it’s all just data mining and experimentation without consent. I’ll still check on my friends/family every now and then and some people don’t get it when I tell them I’m not on facebook much, but that’s…
#1 is so true! I started out teaching 5th grade, failed horribly, and finally found my career in ECE a year later.
Take advantage of your career center to learn how to put together a professional resume and practice, practice, practice interviewing. Get your opening statement polished and concise. Have a set of questions ready for the company and don’t be afraid to bring a pen and paper. Get a professor to help you if you don’t…