
Thank you for including this. My father-in-law got hit by someone who later claimed that he (the hitter) was the one who got hit, not the other way around. My father-in-law couldn't prove it either way (before the days of camera phones).

And by the same people that brought you menu ideas, here's where you should get a drink tonight: http://wtfsigfd.com/

Now playing

Broke Eats. This really is eating healthy on a minimal budget. Plus, it stars James from SMBC Theater!

I love Vihart! Did you know she gave a tune to one of the songs from the Kingkiller Chronicles?

And that the book came after both a radio play and a stage show.

By the "original," do you mean the radio play or the stage show?

It's not for everyone, but public speaking classes were immensely helpful for me. In high school, I took a debate class, and in college, I took a public speaking class. In both, I learned to be comfortable with my voice. It gave me a chance to practice speaking in a situation where others are forced to listen. You

Ooh, shiny. Thanks!

I have the opposite problem. I have too little folding space, but plenty of hanging space for my sweaters.

It could happen. I recently discovered Hairspray. That soundtrack never fails to put to me in a good mood. "Good morning Baltimore!"

I nominate Save the Date and Hatoful Boyfriend. Hatoful Boyfriend is surreal fun, while Save the Date requires some thinking outside the box to truly "win." (It's also free!)

I got the "Day Tripper" achievement for Beatles Rock Band. I stayed home sick one day and did the whole thing in one fell swoop.

Our closet door opens *in.* I always, always hit clothes with the door when I open it and if I try to close it, then clothes get snagged in it. That and it came with some weird wire shelf system that we had to take out once and never really got back in. (Did I mention the only access to the bathroom vent is through

I love singing and dancing to showtunes! (Especially Wicked and Book of Mormon). You're my new BFF :)

Me too! I'm not allergic, but I don't want your perfume to overpower the smell of my delicious food. Smell and taste are linked, remember!

We need a recommendation algorithm for restaurant reviews that searches for words important to you. "We see you value atmosphere; here are restaurants where customers really liked the atmosphere." Or even better, "Here, we've filtered out all of the reviews that are poorly written and have bad grammar."

The question can be anything that isn't too personal. What business are you in? What are you drinking? What do you think about this place? Where are you from? Keep it broad and easy to answer. Save the more probing questions for later. This gives you a memorable, likable entrance without going overboard.

Exactly this. Beforehand, you practice and model it with them. Be very explicit. "Oh, I'm so angry! I'm up here at the red mark right now." Model some calming-down strategies using visual aids (Take a deep breath by sniffing a flower and blowing out a candle. One student I had responded to smelling a skunk and then

You definitely should. I haven't done the math, but I'm pretty sure it's cheaper and definitely just as easy. These days, I just keep a box of powdered cocoa in my pantry along with some brown sugar. Pure heaven.

Definitely checking that one out. Red Seas is my favorite book from the series so far.