
I was deployed during the leaks and some of which inadvertently exposed myself and others to harm while planning and executing missions. I remember the panic in trying to withdraw embedded forces and quickly reroute missions that were compromised. Let her rot. But as a feminist liberal...let her rot in a female wing

Because WIkileaks is working with the FSB to undermine democracies all over the world. Putins end goal is to fracture NATO and the EU and with help from Julian Assange he has the first piece in place to do so: The election of Donald Trump.

Everyone who fucking supports keeping her in jail no longer gets to use the term “liberal”, you must modify it with “neo” because you’re all fucked as are your reactionary ideologies. You’re no true liberal.  

Her sentence was several times more than the actual sentence for the crime she committed is supposed to be. The reason it was so harsh was to cause her psychological harm. And they’ve done it.

I know others have already pointed this out to you, but I don’t care: a commutation is not a pardon. Having your sentence commuted does not mean they are reversing the fact that you were found guilty.

Average for a whistleblower. She isn’t a whistleblower. Her act was treasonous.

People are liberal when it comes to the shit that affects them, and morons about everything else. 

Thank you! Said exactly what I was thinking. I’ve seen a few different people in the past 24 hours or so who say something to the effect of, “I’m suuuuper liberal, but I think that our barbaric, deeply flawed justice system is absolutely peachy!”

I agree that using drones causes less soldiers to come home via Dover AFB.I disliked the program for two reasons. It was a violation of a sovereign state’s airspace (pick one of several) and had the potential for/ resulted in deaths of innocent people beyond the intended target. That and it’s a pretty cowardly way of

What about endangering the lives of soldiers who were sent by Bush Jr to fight daddy Bush’s war? Surely fabricating CIA documents to make the people support a war for your own personal reasons should at the very minimum serve as big of a sentence as what Manning is facing? The Bush administration should be rotting in

Yeah TERF alert for true! Also the “manipulative liar with disturbing behavior” ugh OK so you think she should be in prison because you think she’s weird or off. wonder why?

Her lawyer is an idiot. I’m sorry, but he was not defending a murderer or rapist. She was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917. There is 100% precedence for the sentence she received. Anywhere between 10 years to the death penalty. It really depended on if it was in a time of war or not. During her situation, it

I don’t think “rehabilitation” is about being THAT literal, but rather trying to get to the root of the cause and/or helping someone to develop the skills that would allow them to reenter society as a normal, functioning human being.

Who are these other people because I don’t remember any other military members releasing tens of thousands of classified documents?

President Obama will forever shine like a twinkling star in comparison to the presidents who bookend him, but he was a disappointment to me in many ways: drone wars, extraordinary rendition, failure to try war crimes, GITMO, weak in regard to calling domestic terrorism what it is and dealing with it accordingly, and

He ran and hid IN RUSSIA. Screw him. Manning at least faced her punishment.

While I agree that releasing sensitive information without first screening it-which for me is the mark of difference that makes a whistleblower-her punishment has been outsized and unnecessarily harsh. I’m hopeful that she’ll be released, as much as a fuck-you to the incoming Piss Lord as anything.

that war was built on lies and bullshit

I would be fine with a commutation.

I called this a few years ago and was called crazy for it, because Obama is apparently and evil warmonger and no better than Dubya. Controversial pardons/commutations like this almost have to wait until a president is going out to make political sense.