
Yes, Bristol, you’re absolutely right. The police who dragged a 14-year-old out of school in handcuffs for building a science project and subjected him to hours of racist interrogation without allowing him access to a lawyer or his parents are the real victims here. The police and white people everywhere. Can’t put

What gets me is that she doesn’t seem to be connecting her self-image as a “fat person” with her body dysmorphia. She basically says, “here are my measurements, which is why I feel like I am fat, even though I know a lot of people wouldn’t describe me as fat. I feel that I am fat, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing

This whole article is a problem.

Here’s your answer:

I know that we don’t want her to become a “martyr” for this cause by going to jail, I also really don’t think those convictions will hold her over for very long. Jail sucks.

I’m sure she fashions herself a martyr. The ‘thank you’ was probably some hubristic, thank-you-for-the-privilege-of-suffering-for-Jeebus type thing. She's a hero in her own mind.

100% better than bubble nails

Is anyone getting a Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell vibe from Denise?

throbbing, 1-2 inch long piece of felt

Am I the only person who watched Skins?

I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t know about him pre-Jennifer Lawrence because he really is stupidly hot and you have been missing out.

Anecdotal, but as a bisexual woman who had no trouble attracting male attention, I STOPPED conforming to heterosexual beauty norms so much BECAUSE I realized women were an option for me, and men are the worst.

“Women who are initially successful in partnering with men, as is more traditionally expected, may never explore their attraction to other women.

Its like fucking clockwork whenever a writer posts something about India. And the majority of the people who read this site honestly think they’re not as toxic as a Fox News or Breitbart comment board. They’re unable to talk about how utterly sickening this is without disparaging yucky brown people. Meanwhile, here in

Yes because I’m tired of seeing assholes be racist about my country and people. Every other country has rapes but when it’s India, all of a sudden everybody’s criticizing the culture and all the people.

But they aren’t sanctioned courts, even if locally they have the power to get away with it. Groups of white folks have been raping, torturing, and killing black folks in this country for centuries. It was still happening regularly and semi-officially in some American communities as recently as fifty years ago.

I was leaning toward Shia LaBeouf, but okay.

“I am where Mentality has always come from. I am Mentality. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a musician. I am an artist and a maker. I am also a fighter.”

Lawd. Those nails belong in American Horror Story.

The title is just a joke, right? We all understand that domestic sheep have been selectively bred over millennia in order to have way more wool than they would have had in nature...right?