
I am telling you that I am a small footed woman and have never once in my entire small footed life been the victim of foot-size-shaming. I have a feeling that other small footed women would say the same thing. I have, in the past, been an obese woman, and I was chunky when I was this girl's age, and I have been the

Because Payless actually does carry grownup shoes in 4 1/2 and 5? I know they do, because that's the size my daughter wears. Target also carries shoes in size 5.

Gimmee a break, lady. i have the same sized feet. For you to compare the experience of not finding shoes in your size (just get insoles for fucks sake), to a child being asked to leave a store on sight alone, and for something that is clearly more socially stigmatising, is just dishonest and self-absorbed and barfy.

It honestly sounds like the OP just wanted to take the opportunity to humble brag about her Cinderella feet.

Your original comment just screamed basic, so I just assumed that you liked that BOGO shit.

I'm not sure what "post-feminism landscape" means. You mean since the inception of feminism? If so, yes, there's a certain blurring of the more rigid gender roles that prevailed before. That may be a little confusing, but it's merely the side effect of a much greater good, so we all may have to just figure things out

Guess what? The women who get pissed when you don't hold doors open for us or pay the whole dinner bill aren't feminists.

I live in Norway. I'm from the States though. It was pretty easy to adjust to Norwegian dating - everybody pays for their own stuff. Unless you've been dating awhile, and then you take turns on who pays.

Well, one way to think of it is that you have effectively screened out an immature woman who plays a lot of games. No woman you would want to spend more time with would set you up like that.

This drives me nuts! When I worked in regular retail I never ignored people b/c of the way they looked or dressed (only if they acted like asses). So many times some one who wasn't dressed to the nines bought a shit ton of stuff from me because I took the time to help them. They would always let me know they were

The "misunderstanding" as described by the store owner is that the clerk didn't recognize Oprah. "Don't you see, we turn away black people all the time, just not famous ones!"

I feel like this pertains to the discussion:

Pete Campbell has always been one of my favorite characters because he is so MUCH more than a huge asshole. Pete has been the most tolerant person at Sterling-Cooper. He was the first person to suggest using adds that appeal to black audiences in Ebony Magazine (his idea was shot down because the owner of what ever

This is old news. Pete has always been the character that was most sympathetically to black people. He wanted to advertise to them, shows outward contempt towards black face...ect

My GoT fantasy line up for my band The Dead Targaryens: