
It's looked at much the way that Eric and Grimsby looked at Ariel for using the dinglehopper. It's weird and kinda gross in context. In the context of running out and just sticking those ugly ones from Claire's into a bun for an "Asian themed" party, though? It's racist because it's part of an inaccurate stereotype of

Hair sticks are typically shorter with blunter ends and decorated. Chopsticks tend to be longer and tend to have more tapered ends.

People criticized her back then. The virgin/whore dichotomy back when she was alive was far worse, and while some women looked to her as a glamor icon, it wasn't until her death that the public really felt more than lust or envy for her. With the way our media hasn't changed, she probably would be treated more with

Ok, here's how I see it in the perspective of being Asian and having this discussion with Asians of different cultures before: a person going to a Sakura festival in proper yukata is not cause for serious offense, since kimono in general is still worn for any occasion in Japan, yukata being the least formal. The

The thing that was aggravating about this article isn't that the emotions or offenses are invalid, but that there's nothing particularly fucked up here. Maybe a little bit on the mother telling her to not throw the relationship away, but that's not so bad considering that it was an amicable relationship and that we

Spoilers ahead, but Jon is the only one that really realizes that it's warped, through the help of a second lover. It's largely about him and his character development to wanting more than just getting some with a "dime". He does illustrate, however, how women have been warped with romcoms where the man has to do all

Same here. I hit puberty in full at nine, so my acne was full blast at ten to twelve years old. I'm lucky that my face cleared up quite a bit around thirteen, but I still have skin hang ups over the things that were said to be about my acne and blackheads as a kid.

This actually happens because hardcore gun owners are scared of new legislation that will restrict the sales of certain guns and ammo, so they're getting them while it's legal. Not defending it: as much as I think the majority of these changes are ineffective (i.e. semi-recent restrictions on imported guns), the

Insulting and annoying is nothing on being completely and totally shamed for your body size in a store where you can buy non-clothing items. I went shoe shopping today and had to keep asking for smaller sizes, but they never insulted me for it, told me to go to kids or shamed me for my tiny feet. And being called

I want to be fair to Darren Criss and point out that he's half-Filipino, but even all the Gleeks I follow on Tumblr has serious second hand embarrassment for him.

I don't know, that seems preemptive for a first date. Maybe it's just because I do what I can to be sincere and not play games and think that tests are for later in the relationship if you still can't get a gauge on what kind of person you are dating... which is always a first indicator that you might want out to

Except for my nose and a little of my chin, I look like a physical copy of my mother (who I have a rocky relationship with) to the point of hating it when I get the reminders. I deliberately keep my hair no shorter that a long bob cut because I don't want to look even more so like her. But seeing old photos of her

There is. It doesn't stop the fact that dodgeball does often promote bullying and thus has been taken out of several schools.

The parents and children defending the camp frighteningly, though unsurprisingly, do not comprehend the concern at all. It doesn't matter that they weren't "killing" one another anymore in the games or that the objective was changed to "collecting lives" or that there was no deliberate violence. These same parents

The backstories for how the killing games in the two books are vastly different, though. The concept is as old as gladiators and I'm so bored with people calling each book/movie a rip off of the other.

I get the fun perspective of seeing how horrifically tokenized, ethnically fetishized and generally othered I was in my hometown after living/working the NYC for 5 years. Because it's New York and the majority of us have relocated there in some way or another, I don't get nearly as offended as I did when I get asked

See, I think that's him about everything BUT the POC issues, honestly. The only person that seemed to have that attitude in their positive treatment of black people on the show to me was Kinsey. See his "The buyer has no color" speech on the buss to Mississippi and how everyone, including his girlfriend, looks at him.

I've honestly only just recently gotten into Mad Men after all these years and just broke into season three, but I think it was kind of clear that this was Pete's big redeeming quality all along? He brings up how he thinks it's dumb that Lassie can get booked a room a the major hotels in New York but that they refuse

I can see your point, but you can't negate the flip side either because of the other circumstances, those being that 1) rape is too commonly used as trash talk in gaming communities, 2) the joke can and has been taken as a rape joke, even if that wasn't the intent (others at the conference actually have questioned it

I dunno, that kind of makes it worse to me and pushes Bucket-O-Nothing's point: the industry continues to dismiss women as a viable demographic and parade the idea that women aren't good at games unless it's Animal Crossing or Cooking Mama.