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    Shared like one scene in which they never even spoke to each other. Hopefully the two share a scene in this damn film XD

    McElhatton is probably referring to the scene with the Medieval folks burying a Mother Box and that that alludes to the idea that the New Gods or ancestors of Darkseid (including Steppenwolf) might have tried to take over Earth in the past.

    I actually thought he should have been Steppenwolf from the start, and then Charles Dance. But now that we have Ciaran Hinds I really can't complain, eclectic and a powerhouse presence.

    Crawling up guy's dick holes. Smashing.

    I think you got her mixed up with Christina Hendricks.

    I believe that Chimp from San Fran is hitched with Greer already. She seems to like the smaller dudes. Dominatrix she is XD

    Jane was a bad egg right when I saw that she had hid the baby just to kill Kenny (who all in all was rash but that rashness was bolstered by a burning passion for the people closes to him). Kenny at this rate has been the most human character in the story, he's just more intense. Jane was evil, Clem knew and worked