
Get off my fucking tail. If you’re going 1mph slower than the person in front of you, you’ll build space. Space = safety AND SPEED! The most space you leave the less you have to slow down when they tap their brakes, meaning the road goes smoother.

So get off my fucking tail and be a responsible driver.

As I understand it, Tesla could survive, profitably, today, as a luxury car brand. They want to expand beyond that, which is whats eating all their profits, but they could go niche and win.

Uber is just... holy crap. Massive losses, huge regulatory battles. They have ambition, and many people are confusing that

I’d guess since like... the 80's?

“Forced Patriotism” (The National Anthem) is not illegal. You should check the legality of these things before making blanket claims like you are. You might end up looking foolish.

And another point in the same vein...

If you want to know where your partner is, now you can just... know, without texting him 10 times and wondering whether to believe him. Sure, you could always give your friend your phone and go fuck around. But this at least lets you know where they are without asking, so you

People who get nervous that people watch them go to a convention to stream in public.

Yeah. People watching me naked makes me nervous. And when I found out that the orgy I was attending had a no clothes policy! I was shocked.

Oooh, that would be nice. Nice low smoke, seared to finish. I’d eat that.

cooked for three hours

I dunno. But that sounds like a hypothetical question that many people are assuming the answer to because it fits into their world view.

If there’s a story of black teens on a bus shouting “Fuck the police” or “We don’t need no cracker kids” or whatever, and they’re treated like criminals with police being called or

Yeah. Often with these stories what looks to be over reeach or discriminatory behavior on the part of the agents or staff on hands... ends up being just the correct and inevitable implementation of policies and regulations and laws that very strictly govern behavior on airplanes.

We’re not letting you hijack the thread and the article to make it about something that has ZERO to do with the issue presented.

Why don’t you just make this about healthcare, or Police Brutality, or Congressional Reconcilliation Abuse? All of those topics have about as much to do with this article as the shit you’re

Well... sorry to keep it on the point that none of the people in the story had seemed to commit any crime. So I don’t know why you decided to make the issue about teens being tried as adults.... since this story has nothing to do with anyone even being accused of committing a crime.

“Tried as adults”? Last I checked, being an ignorant racist while chanting on a bus was not illegal.

I mean... Creepy? But sex for favors is in a weird place. It’s not strictly prostitution... is it? If Harvey Weinstein offered them a job in exchange for sex, and they accepted that trade... sure Weinstein is a creep and deserves shunning, but can he go to jail for it? The law should... clarify this, because this type

Honestly, outside of reality shows or random award show appearances, what would she do?

Jeremy Renner. I’d be really surprised. Mark Ruffalo too, probably.

Just watch it. Enjoy it. And move on. Binge it in a weekend, the seasons are pretty short. I don’t think it’s near MLP level yet. Rick and Morty is a cartoon for adults. MLP is a cartoon for young girls that men watch and write erotic fanfiction about. Big difference.

I use Tumblr for porn. Nothing else.

I aM gOiNg To FuCkInG fLaG eVeRy SiNgLe AsShOlE wHo PoStS tHaT gOdDaMn CoPyPaStA.