
Thank you for capturing the Cringe. It’s like a atheist neckbeard is talking to me right now. The experience is vivid! I can smell the fedora!

I still see fucking #FiveSeasonsAndAMovie on my facebook wall. It was pretty annoying.

Yeah, it’s just sauce. They should chill.

But McDonalds really fucked this up. Like a hand full of packets per store? Why even do a promotional campaign where you’re just... not delivering it. It’s like bringing back the McRib and only serving one per day. McDonalds shouldn’t have fucked it up, and no one should’ve

You are trying to block me? My Shtyle shall defeat your Shtyle!

While it’s a good argument and in the end, it would be in their interest to care about it, if the average person’s taxes go down, they are actually not that concerned about how much the other guys taxes go down. If you give a poor man $50, and give a rich man a Billion, the poor guy won’t fight you. He’ll take the

Clint? The Carpenter!? But he makes such shitty doors, why else would Jo keep go...


Joanna’s in love with Clint. Why else would she talk about Shiplap so much?

I imagine they only help their friends/people who go to their Church. I don’t know how many gay couples are in their social circle.

You can’t keep using this picture of them.

You have to start using the long haired Chip pic.

Now, I thought it wasn’t that it WAS rape, but that it COULD be rape. i.e. if the wife comes forward and says the sex was non-consensual, it would be treated as a rape. Whereas before, it wouldn’t be, because they’re married.

Now is Sherbet-Sorbet? Or are those different things?

So, you’re a self hating Jew?

I don’t get it. There’s nothing going on under 10. Just go fondle a cabbage patch doll and cry alone in your apartment like everybody else.

Everytime I hear a Country Song I like, and ask “Who is this!?”... it’s always Waylon Jennings.

That said... The Simon and Simon remake Adam Scott and Jon Hamm made was brilliant.

Smart guy. Aggressive but smart double jeopardy strategy. Plus a Jeopardy addict who as picked up on the trivia writers favorite topics.

Dangerous man.

“At that point, there was no computers, no streaming video, no chairs and such things.”

NYC is built on solid Granite. How much of that substance did they need?

I’m at the point in the show when Danny “loses his powers”. Which is ironic, because he never uses his powers, except when he encounters a locked door. So i guess a good lockpit set and a drill is a good replacement for the Iron Fist.

Yeah. I don’t see any race issues with the casting. He’s a billionaire baby who gets raised by monks, so... ya know maybe he’s chinese, but his character is white, and he’s white. So no controversy in my book. Some people brought race issues up like, “The Hand are minorities and evil”, but they’re ninja. I could see

Well, he’s also a super bad actor, and the show had almost no interesting action sequences, and he rarely ever uses the iron fist, and when he does, it’s to open fucking doors.

Because we don’t know what the fuck they’re trying to do, and frankly, it doesn’t seem all that theatening.

Ok, so the hand is selling drugs, and kipnapping children and blah blah blah. Pretty bad stuff. I fail to see the sort of ‘ultra’ plan beyond that which raises the Hand to the level of a terrifying enemy which