And Correlation does not equal Causation. You need to show correlation, temporal precedence, and eliminate confounding factors.
And Correlation does not equal Causation. You need to show correlation, temporal precedence, and eliminate confounding factors.
WHOA! Is that why anyone brings up black on black crime? I thought it was, as when people bring up mass shootings, someone else brings up suicides. Because it is far and away the bigger killer. Can it be used as a sort of distration while trying to address other issues? Sure. But it say it’s not a thing, and anyone…
Why don’t black people ever talk about black-on-black crime?
Not-racists believe that America belongs to them and that whiteness endows them with the power to excommunicate the offenders of their country at will. This, too, is white privilege.
If Hardee’s is for black people, call me Malcolm X.
What I have ever done that makes you think I’m xenophobic? I’ve provided you evidence that humanity at large is xenophobic. That individuals across all demographics show a preference for people who they feel are like themselves.
Are you embracing that understanding, or do you feel I am especially xenophobic? I would…
I think it’s extremely telling that you consider a type of Well Understood... Well Documented... and Universal preference to be conspiratorial sexism.
The who what camps? We don’t like to talk about that stuff.
That said, it’s a little sad how US history is taught. MLK is taught as a hero, and Japanese Internment as a footnote. It completely ignores that these change agents and pivotal moments in US history were revolutions and protests in their time. We teach Civil…
I do hear them saying “Deadliest Mass Shooting in Modern US History”. I don’t hear a lot of “Deadliest Mass Shooting in US History.” which is US history since the end of WW2.
Also, a lot of these were mob/riot/militia/week long massacres. Not discounting them, but I wouldn’t call a week long crusade with 1000…
But there’s no conspiring. That’s where your world view falls apart. There isn’t a cabal of men at the top of Paramount Pictures saying, “How can we justify keeping women out of this next production?” It’s a guy with a lot of money, looking for projects to invest in... a guy who he likes pitches him a project, which…
Just consider the toting Fluidstance to and from work as a feature, not a bug. Extra exercise from carrying it around everywhere.
Just consider the toting Fluidstance to and from work as a feature, not a bug. Extra exercise from carrying it…
No. It’s not just men. Women exhibit this behavior as well. As do black men. And black women. When you see partisan ‘herding’, with liberals clumping in big cities... thats this phenomenon. When you see “Chinatown” on a map, it’s because all the chinese people who came to this country moved there. If you see a bunch…
What about Heidi Swedberg, Seinfeld.
... No. This isn’t sexism. This is a universal psychological obversation that holds true across all demographics and categories, including race, sex, sexuality, hair color, language, geography, favorite sports team, profession, etc.
People like to be with and work with people like themselves. You can google “Birds of…
Melissa McCarthy movies.
But in television, there aren’t that many people like Kevin James who keep selling the same show over and over again. Even Kevin James has largely been off TV since King of Queens went off the air 10 Years Ago! The closest I can think of is Adam Sandler, but he owns his own production company…
Because a known mediocrity is better than a potentially great uncertainty. The same forces behind the rush of sequel and reboots in Hollywood is the forces that gives known entities like James money to make a tv show. Will it be the next Seinfeld? No. But it will make money. Which is why it gets funded.
You can call…
The basic bitch in her natural habitat.
The basic bitch in her natural habitat.
Walkin round in my goretex. Caught a bullet in my bubblegoose.
Walkin round in my goretex. Caught a bullet in my bubblegoose.