I think Leslie Jones is the best Trump.
I think Leslie Jones is the best Trump.
Forte’s W required Carvey’s Bush Sr. to push him around. It was fantastic.
Larry would be very offended at the implication that he’s cranky. He’s not cranky. He’s pleasant! He’s a joy to be around. People love him. He can be very affable when he chooses to be. Your worry is making him cranky, that’s what it is.
Damn. Is Whoopie just done with life, or is she in a fight with the producers? Because to read that from the prompter and say “They want me to ask you Whats the secret of playing Bernieeeee” Felt really sarcastic in an aggressive way.
I thought the Librarian said that Dr Suesse was “Such a cliche”.
Because it’s a Kevin James vehicle. He is the Creator and Executive Producer and Title Character of the show.
I mean I get it. “Sexism.” But it’s literally his show. It’s like why don’t they kick Louis CK off that stupid show “Louie” and make it all about his sister?
... Are those all different white blonde women on Fox?
Today, Owner of Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, The NFL, The Entire US Stock Index, and a sizeable vested interest in Emerging Markets, said this reporter is a fucking dumbass.
See Arc: Survival Evolved’s review bomb when they dropped a paid DLC. Horrendous review bombing. I’d be my bottom dollar it harmed sales.
How would you solve review bombing? Locking reviews if too many negatives came in at once? Reading reviews to see if they’re meaningful enough? Or, a very platform solution, leave the review process open but give shoppers more clarity and context around the “Mostly Negative” signal.
“Oh, this game has had pretty…
Then I’ll just ask because most of the comments are just “Omg, she didn’t”.
Why is blackness impenetrable? If Gender can exist on a spectrum and people can be fluid, why is race-not just the American experience of being black, but race at large- impenetrable?
Did Tom Price lose 200 pounds, or did he borrow one of Chris Christie’s golf shirts or wtf is going on here?
A lot of them, yeah. The safe Republicans who aren’t in any threat of Primary or General... Or the ones just elected and 2016... and if they’re not “true believers” in just dismantling Obamacare no matter the cost... They will let it slide, but they’ll vote along with the rest to stay in McConnell the Donors’ good…
Chuck Grassley didn’t accidentally give it up. Republicans have been saying this for months. “This bill is basically just checking a box that we repealed and replaced.”
If you’ll recall, we had a strong diplomatic mission with North Korea and were close to an actual deal when Bush Jr. cut off ties and ceased all negotiations. i.e. We were making meaningful progress, and then Bush left NK with everything.
You kidding me? That kids gotta draw like, 16 fuckings cards!
How they did it? By BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT’ing the Taliban into blood dust. The End.
The old Pie in the Windowsill trick. Can’t believe I fell for that. You used that to save my ass in Nam.
Yeah. Electric cars are great for Urban areas. Just not uber-Urban areas like New York City. But if you like in a house in Queens or Brooklyn or Hoboken or Atlanta or Boston or wherever... electric cars are great. But if you’re living in an apartment in Manhattan, you’re fucked.
I mean... Unless you’re psychic, it’s hard to know exactly what kind of parent someone will be. It changes most people, so if it isn’t surprising you, you’re probably assuming a lot of things you shouldn’t.