
You did some reverse slicing at your initial data point.

You said the #1 characteristic of Republicans is that they’re white, but you didn’t really show that in your data. In fact your data was reverse, which is the #1 characteristic of being a Mormon is that you’re Republican as opposed to the #1 characteristic of

I have more fun following the line thinking, “Whereeee’s it going!” than reading the article. sorry.

It’s probably quite uncomfortable. It’s probably a very quiet apature lens (or silent) and I would hope it’s just one guy and a lot of equipment as opposed to a room full of people.

That said, I too am really into these.

Agreed. The hygiene revolution is access to clean water daily. There’s no need to scrub your shins every day unless your shins are dirty or sweaty or salty or whatever.

shits, pits, and bits for me. Although I generally soap my chest for scent.

Baby Boss isn’t accidentally about Donald Trump? Awww...

I guess Christians really aren’t that different from Radical Muslims...

Depends where you’re investing, but there’s no lower risk than T-Bills.

And I didn’t say you should have no investment in stocks, but rather if in retirement you have the majority of your investment in the stock market, you are doing it wrong.

He’s right. It was some weird shit.

Frying works by basically steaming the food. The oil is so hot that moisture evaporating in the food turns to steam and tries to get out, making sure the oil doesn’t get in. Cooking in cold fat, or fat that’s not hot enough to ‘sizzle’ as soon as the food goes in is basically the same as soaking the food in fat, so...

I mean, this is fundamentally an annuities problem. Lump Sum vs Annuity. Now, the tax code in this country means annuity is almost always the correct answer, but in this question, and in fact, in any annuities problem, you should look at the IRR. Generally, lump sum is done because of a more immediate need, so there

When you’re IN retirement and living off returns, and the majority of your retirement is invested in stocks, you have a terrible financial manager.

Bonds is the correct answer.

lol. Fair. But even beyond that, they’d have to actively put their money in a mutual fund and not spend it all paying off their mortgage or buying a house in cash or a new car or blah blah.

Probably best to take the 5k a month to guarantee at least a minimum return since they don’t know what an Index fund is.

No, that’s fair.

But given the market has averaged those returned over the last 100 years, including the great depression and all major recessions and crashes.... It’s about the safest fucking bet you can get. So before you say Past != future, realize that argument holds about as much water as saying Treasury Bills

Well, you can always reinvest the 5k and earn your compound interest. Given the 1M vs the 5k a month has an IRR of ~6% EBITDA, and the compound interest volume would be equal regardless of the initial principle, the question you have to ask if whether the expected rate of return in the long run will be above or below

You gotta diversify your stocks, dum dum. Mutual Funds! Vanguard. International funds. Investing 100% in any one stock is a fools game.

The point is that the million earns interest up front. It would only need about a 6% return to match 5k a month. So if you earned at least a 6% a month in returns, either from the market, or bonds, or interest... then the million dollars would always be worth a million more than 5k a month.

So if you got 5k a month,

Does it say something about me that the first thing I did when reading this title was open an excel sheet and pulling out the IRR of 1,000,000 to earn 5k a month in returns?

So... Is that legal? Aren’t there a ton of regulations on automakers and what has to be in cars?

and that they know the difference between an opinion show, and a news show.

Oooh You betcha