
I actually didn’t know the Witcher was based on a series like LotR. Part of what was so amazing to me about the Witcher-verse was how thorough it was. i thought Projekt Red came up with that whole world! Like... talking about characters that are almost never mentioned, Lords and Worlds that are so tangentially

I have a limit on Early Access games. I have 5 games I’ve bought in early access that were either abandoned or still in processed (some over a year old). So, until a game comes off that list, I’m not picking up any new ones,

It’s partly a strategy. Partly marketing, partly Ops. You can’t have unsold inventory if you produce well under expected demand, and scarcity is an indicator of popularity for a lot of consumers. Most people don’t hear “Sold out” and think it’s because it sucked and no one wanted it.

Hey... advice... When you link a twitch stream thats 3 hours long. Leave a time stamp. Not tiny, underscore gray text. Put it in there as a timestamp in the video or say so more clearly.

Didn’t Rick Perry get confirmed as the Secretary of Energy like 3 weeks ago? Why is he still following this / has the time to write an Op-Ed about this business?

True anecdote like, “I tweeted”.

A lot of information has been learned, and a lot of information will be learned in a coming period of time.

Now, did the Reapers do that, or was that the Leviathan?

One thing I like that I’ve seen is they got rid of the obvious “Paragon or Renegade” options. It used to knew what you were saying was obviously Paragon, so you went with it, or otherwise. Now it’s more like, choose whatever you want to say, and the context determines whether you’re a good or shitty person.

I mean. If you live in a one story wooden house and see a mushroom cloud, might not be a bad idea to hop in the fridge. Even if it doesn’t work out, makes a handy coffin!

Hover Grope.

Additionally, these aren’t unfiltered and unedited opinions. They didn’t just so happen to find 4 women who had zero concern that Russia meddled in our electoral process and were even less concerned that the sitting President could have been involved. They were brought on to further an agenda, to validate an existing

Was Gorsuch ever a partner at a firm?

Expose what assholes? The one hiring manager at a fortune 500 who asks the question? They’ll fire the guy, say they didn’t know, and find another way to ask the question or keep doing it anyway.

That’s why he was saying these things in a classroom. He believes that employers should have the right to ask their employees or potential employees these questions. He probably feels that any law that stops a company from asking that is a 1st Amendment violation.

So, basically, companies should be able to say, ask,

Spicer said today, “It’s where he goes to relax and be with his family. He works 7 days a week. It’s part of the job.”

Not to mention he’s gone to Florida and back 10 times in 8 weeks, and his wife and child maintain a full time residence in the heart of midtown Manhattan. I guess I didn’t realize that was just “A

Seeing a sitting President be so childishly partisan. “Democrats making up lies because they lost so badly. Sad!” It’s shocking. Obviously, a President came from a party, but so rarely do they talk about it. And when they do, it’s generally to “talk to the Republicans, find common ground” or “work with Republicans to

President Obama would hold rallies to explain and sell his healthcare agenda.

Of course, that was a year after he was elected, not a month.

What? Now if you’re EXCUSE ME! I’m gonna go follow Sean Spicer on instagram. CHOOSE BEEER!