
Lol. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell keeping Trump in check... hilarious bruh.

“And Fredrick Douga-Douglas. Hearing more and more about this guy. I’m looking forward to seeing what else... is.. more and more.”

Well, that’s because the tank meta is tanks. And Winston is the worst anti-tank tank. So he’s not in the meta. If the meta were dps and squishies, Winston would very much be in the meta.

This kinda seems like a hit and run...

Whoa. Ok, so as cool as that all is, it sounds more like these are the antagonists who are gonna get controlled by a rogue AI and we’ll be fighting to bring them down. Maybe... residents of Andromeda? Some entirely new races??? :)

Wait, is he recording her because she attacked him, or did she attack him because he was recording her? *confused*

Yeah. Funny thing. When Republicans control all chambers and the White House... everything they’ve been saying they want to do for years ends up happening. Amazing how that happened. Remember when the House voted to repeal Obamacare 62 times? And it only didn’t happen because Obama was President? Well, it’s happening

Yes. All historians and professors should take emotionally biased viewpoints. I remember that Hitler biography. “That fucking prick. Who cares where he’s from. He’s a murderer. The end.”

“The words just explode in the air.” What he meant was that no one was listening in and recording his words.

This in comparison to an administration that has coined the term “Alternative Facts”.

God Bless this family for milking every dollar they can out of their completely baseless celebrity. And God Damn the networks for continuing to give them money. STOP IT!

Is Ford officially announcing the Probe GT via a billboard near O’Hare? Terrific.

Even at 100x105, he can still get headshots.

BUT! Imagine how many frames he’s getting!

Possibly. Or some kids making their bones to get into a gang. Shit’s different from when I was growing up.

Hahahaha. Travel Mug?! Bitch, I use this every DAY!

Hahahaha. Travel Mug?! Bitch, I use this every DAY!

So... are we all on the same page that Glenn Beck probably has some kind of mental illness? Or do I need to bring out my chalkboard?

That cover photo... that is a woman who has lost all her fucks to give.


I think Trump just wants us to give him one. To come out and say,

“OK! Fine. You’re the greatest. Your company’s the best. Your deals are the grandest. Your hands are the biggest. You saved us. You sacrificed so much to leave your company to stoop so low as to become President of the United States, the single most