
I thought it was her. Is it her? Is it the same person?

But their stated goal was to get to 1SR... I don’t see how elongating games achieves that. Am I crazy?

But... Smurfing isn’t a reportable offense.

Abusive Chat
Offensive Battletag

But... If you’re trying to lose, I really don’t see how you ever get kills on the enemy, much less push them to their spawn. Their bastion got 100 kills... Sounds like he was either trying to win, or just trying to elongate the game by getting 100 kills...

I’m confused... If you’re 6 man queuing, can’t you literally throw every game? Why would you be fighting if you’re just trying to lose and get to 1SR? Couldn’t you just pick reinhardt and walk in circles and never try to cap the point? Seriously... I don’t see the accomplishment here.

No. I’ve worked at the NYCO as a Tenor. I’ve been classically trained. Not only was it not impressive from a vocal perspective, from an Opera perspective, it had no depth or power. I’m gonna assume it was a bad day for her. But it was.... cringey for me.

SPEAKING OF BEYONCE’S NATIONAL ANTHEM... was I the only one who thought Jackie’s rendition was the worst thing of all time?

When he brought up Hillary in his first Press conference in January. “I mean, come on... Does anyone believe Hillary would be tougher on Russia than me? Does anybody really believe that? Come on.” And had his audience members laughing... I just thought it was the saddest thing I’d ever seen.

Well... Washington DC voted for Clinton by... a rather large margin. 90-4%. That’s bigger than the margin Obama won, Which was 92-6 and 90-7 in ‘08 and ‘12 respectively.

You know them millionaires. Always need to be stealin’ shit because they black!

60% approval rating means it was just enough for a sizeable majority.

That said, approving of him doesn’t mean approving of whoever he picks. And even if you approve of who he picks, doesn’t mean you’re excited enough to get out to vote.

Republicans had a better GOTV.

Who’s in? You’re in. You’re in. You’re in. You’re in. You’re in.

The cops still charged him!? They tackled him, beat him, cuffed, found out they were entirely mistaken, then arrested him for “Resisting Arrest and Disobeying an Officer”??? The kids a Doctoral candidate. That’s a bad move, arresting officer. Bad decision making.

I dunno. This doesn’t sound like a nerf, as much as a fix. Your hook will no longer hook on people through walls or around walls.

They didn’t hit his damage, or health pool, or cooldowns. This is a bug fix, imo. Not a nerf. I doubt it will make him played significantly less at the competitive level.

I just wrapped up a dual masters. Part of me just wants to teach high school students. Run an economics/business course that focuses on all the things that they need to know and run it the way I want. Team learning, practical skills, project focused, constant feedback/sharing.

But then I remember I don’t want to earn

Glad to know. Paying off my student loans/car loan right now, and hitting minimum payments and putting the remainder into the highest interest is how i’m managing it. Haven’t put into excel to calculate total cost and time to completion, but I am at least hitting the highest rates first.

Now, the fact that the balance ball is stabilized in a chair. Does that offset the advantages of a stability ball, or not really?

Now, the fact that the balance ball is stabilized in a chair. Does that offset the advantages of a stability ball,

But given that this site existed post 1970's... they were fully capable of talking about past events and figures.

Still Goldfinger.