
When the police show up, all they know is there was a fight. So they detain everyone involved until they interview witnesses and get the full story. It’s pretty protocol, and you’ll see a lot of people handcuffed for defending themselves until the facts come out.

That, and people generally have no idea what really happened, so aren’t eager to get into fights with stranger based on who was yelling what.

Likely. I wouldn’t say instantly, but I’d say betting markets should put it well over 50% likely we’ll see a 2nd set of Clinton Impeachment hearings.

Well... she was born in Thailand, and it’s the same reason Barack Obama is the first black president, even though his mother was white. I didn’t decide how ethnicity and race are defined in the United States, and I’m not going to defend it. But, I think it comes down to... if ya look Thai, you’re Thai. If you look

Cause they suck at History, they remember the Trail of Tears was something that happened a long time ago, but have a terrible concept that because it was long ago, it doesnt’ really matter. They’re the same kind of people who do human pyramids in front of the Anne Frank house or pictures of them planking on shit in

Maybe they just beat em bad last time they played?

Group Think. Not everyone is willing or capable of speaking out against something if there appears that the majority is for it. Also an example of the bystander effect that no one wants to be the first person to step out of a group, ie (surely someone else will say something). The dilution of responsibility means that

There are no perfect voting system, and the idea that switching from what we have to a Proportional Representation vote, either on a statewide or nationwide system isn’t perfect either. And your continuing to call it a “common-sense system” vs a “system designed to pervert democracy” doesn’t change that.

For example,

Yeah, i don’t think she’s a great Presidential Candidate. She can barely win anything locally. But there are pockets of the country that are quite green (looking at you Vermont and Washington State). So winning some seats in a local legislature, a Mayorship, or even a representative in the House... isn’t impossible,

I’m calling their ideas viable, not their eligibility. That was literally the first thing I said. They don’t need to be electable in the Presidential election to have viable and pertinent ideas.

Major political parties do this all the time. The Tea Party threatened to upend the entire Republican Party, but they

I dunno if comparing 4 years post civil rights act to Brooklyn in 2016. Not that racism doesn’t exist, but everybody wants to be friends with the black kid in school. He’s cool.

So to start, by Viable 3rd party candidates, I don’t mean viably electorally (ie. a real chance of winning!) I mean who come with viable ideas and alternatives to challenge the status quo. Their role in presidential elections is to push issues to the forefront. Not win the election. But if by playing “Spoiler” they

Here’s some advice for everyone debating someone who has a trump card you can’t do anything about (Family goes back to the Revolutionary War, is a war veteran, lost legs in combat). You don’t insult them about that. You thank them, you admire them, and then you pivot. Don’t attack what everyone admires about them.

I know. I just meant ethnically Thai, as opposed to a Thai citizen.

lol. True.

I know. I didn’t want to make it any more wordy than it was, but I was gonna say because she Looked Thai, but she was born in Thailand. But yeah, his insult was specifically because her mom’s Thai. What a fucktard.

What’s worse is that HE is the Incumbant. He is a sitting US Senator!!!! He is one of 100 people in the US Senate, which has the sole responsibility of approving Supreme Court and other Federal Justices, members of the Cabinet, Ambassadors, treaties that the President signs, and if the House impeaches the President,

In case everyone was angry, This is by no means a close Senate race in Illinois.

Tim Kaine might have the personality of an empty suit, but I think you’re just confusing that with him being aggressively polite.

Yeah, other countries do it in 6 weeks. OMG THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD! Wait. 6 weeks isn’t that long... How do they pick which candidates are running? Oh, every party just puts forward a nominee, there isn’t a primary. So when Democrats were yelling about it all being Rigged, they want to enforce that process where all