
It used to be much shorter Sheryl, back when we didn’t have Primaries and party elders chose the candidate. Then it was only around 3 months long. But when the first Primaries are in January, it’s a minimum 10 months long (plus all the months before the first Primary where people are debating and announcing and

We’re almost down to one week away. It’s nearly begun.

Because Swing State is a term for a state that is competitive for either party, because people in that state voted competitively! If you’re a Republican in Washington State, and you want your voice heard, Vote Republican, and keep doing it.

You know what they do when you write in someone’s name who isn’t running? They usually throw it away or don’t even bother counting it.

“If we’re going to take the long term view of Climate Change, and I think that we should, the Sun is going to envelop the Earth anyway so, I mean.... I don’t think we should be regulating it.”

I mean... We should want viable candidates. And Viable 3rd parties (Tea Party or Green party or Abolitionist Party) can bring new issues to the forefront and force the major parties to address those issues in major policy positions. A candidate like Ross Perot made the debt a major issue in the ‘92 election and was

Know what makes more impact than giving Jill Stein 2% of the national vote for the Presidency? Electing her Mayor of Lexington, MA. Electing green State Senators and governors. If someone can show the nation that a Green Party has a chance in a county or city or state (Democrats tend to group up geographically), then

I mean... it was 1992. People were very familiar with the Electoral College. The last 3rd party candidate to win a point in the Electoral College was George Wallace (A segregationist) in 1968, when Nixon won in a landslide thanks to the Democrats vote being split in half, with the deep south going for Wallace, and the

lol. It’s like Libertarians are high schoolers trying to reinvent Government by just oversimplifying everything...

But then as soon as you point out how it will fail, or how bad of an idea that is, it goes off the rails and either theey tell you “HEY! I don’t wanna debate.” or it turns into a clusterfuck of an idea

Hertzfeld does a lot of great work. Now, it’s not all cute funny cartoons, some of it is disturbing. Some is heart wrenching. Some is hilarious. Mostly absurb. Slightly Burton-esque. He has a film on Netflix called “Life is Beautiful” which I recommend people check out if they like any of his work.

Basically yes. It’s a tax pre-bate instead of a tax rebate for (I believe everyone) to cover consumption tax up to the poverty line. But that means you’re basically giving everyone in the country like... $3-5,000. It’s universal income.

The solution to that was a probate(money up front to cover the tax) which would cover the expected tax up to around the point of the poverty line (Basically an adjustment on the progressive tax to work with a flat consumption tax). But that at that point... he’s created one of the biggest social welfare programs in US

Ross Perot actually was polling ahead of both of the two major parties around June of ‘92. He ended up with around 20% of the vote.

Index funds, Index funds, Index funds, Index funds! I’ll sign up for 17.5% or even 12.5% annual returns. Fuckin Hell, would I.

I may not like Mike Pence’s politics, but I bear no ill will on any Beagle. rip Maverick.

I don’t know what to believe anymore.

Can Congress subpoena the President? I don’t remember Obama ever been summoned to speak before Congress despite a lot of talk around the Hill about impeachment and illegal activity by the administration. If they have the power to summon him at any time, why hasn’t he been there? I think Oversight might hound the

Democrats are not in a position to contest the house majority this year(House ballots were locked in before Trump nomination came to pass. So Dems didn’t put up candidates in a lot of places where they might’ve been competitive.)

That said, House GOP is a really organized effort. You can tell the local GOp presence

I think, personally, that people try too hard to exclude race from the conversation. He’s black. In the United States, today, that’s a big part of his cultural setting, his identity. Race is tied to us. Maybe one day, race is something we won’t even notice, but I think the onus is on us, not to ignore race and pretend