
He’s a chess prodigy, but he don’t play cause his homies think that shit ain’t cool.

He’s got a little emotional control problems (he was kinda off the rails), but definitely a good heart in that teen.

I’ll admit I do not know enough about late term abortions to comment on this. From the debate, what Hillary was saying is it sounded like... pregnancies that became life threatening for the mother very late, fetuses that were bleeding out, not going to make it, etc. The State didn’t have a right to legislate that

I like to do the Jumble.

The Breitbart Fact Check of the debate. This might be too tempting for me to pass up!

Here’s some of my favorite.

Honestly, the top ticket GOP is becoming a conspiracy theater. I almost miss the old Republican agenda. Today it’s all “Big Bank Globalist Jews who control the media are taking your jobs!”

And to be clear, that’s the annualized total (stock) market return? Or is that GDP, GNP, or some other metric?

Stock Market responds better to stability in Governance than volatility with potentially business friendly climate. I think if Clinton gets elected, the Market will become very Bullish.

These are the kinds of things that generally take organizations months to take care of. Every little nook and cranny, every little messaging update. Bravo to the Today staff for remembering to pull Billy from the Sticker Pack. wow.

The correct answer is you just just bring it to more platforms, more mediums, deliver highly requested features... maybe add more late game content. Deliver mod tools and foster the modding community to turn Minecraft into a gaming platform and not just a single game.

I agree that it’s impressive for an indie game, but as a player, a game needs to be polished period. I don’t play games that are buggy and think “Oh well... it’s an indie game. What do you expect?”

Yeah, they got some real “Bad Hombres”

I was skyping with a Friend when he said that. He said “Well... she is. Do you like her?” I tried to explain it had nothing to do with how nice Clinton was in real life, but rather how you don’t call a female nominee for President a “Nasty Woman” in a debate when you’re down 7 points nationally and are drowning in

The audience interjections was no where NEAR as bad as Debate 1. Debate 1, Trump would make a salty quip about Clinton, and get a laugh line. This was the only laugh I heard in the debate, and they largely were silent, though of course, those times when they weren’t and people couldn’t contain themselves, were all the

“Bernie Sanders said she has bad judgement. And I agree with him.”

“Bernie Sanders endorsed me.”

“Yeah, well Bernie Sanders is an idiot, and is not to be trusted.”

The theme for tonight debate is the Debt, Entitlements and the Economy. I’m not sure you have a whole lot to be worried about. I doubt Chris Wallace will bring up emails or pussygate, and Trump’s gonna end up doing that himself.

“It’s a rebuilding season...”

This is what happens when you keep conflating Islam with Terror. Eventually, you just start saying “We have to defeat Islam”. This would be more funny if I didn’t think it was being said and done on purpose.

This is a pretty welcome move for me. The Vive controllers seemed bulky and large in a bad way. The Vive looks like a product that was rushed to market visually, while the Rift was polished and cleaned up before shipping (at least visually). I’m glad to see Vive at least updating their controllers to something a bit

Man... I wish I could act that loudly.