
Well, Bernie supporters at large are in the Hillary camp. 90% of Bernie supporters have said they will vote for Hillary. It’s the most extreme, most active members of the Sanders campaign that are crying tears when Bernie says “Vote for Hillary” that he needs to convince, and he doesn’t need an audience of 10,000,000

You’d think, when Trump starts agreeing with you, you’ve backed the wrong side.

Buy Gold!!!

You gotta get him convicted of something girl.

Is Universal Healthcare a progressive issue?

I think because Hillary came out of the gates with what she felt was a modest, workable, and passable agenda, and Bernie came out with a no-holds-barred progressive agenda that could never get through Congress, that Hillary was not a progressive, and Bernie was the only true progressive. Hillary was pushing for

I dunno. I think Bernie throughout the debates and the campaign with very few exceptions was clear that both he and Hillary are better than Trump, Trump cannot be allowed to succeed, and he has great respect for Hillary Clinton, but they just have a couple disagreements on some things.

Yeah, ok. So if Hitler was polling at 50 votes, and Hillary at 49, and you and your buddy wanted to vote for Bernie who only have 1 vote. You would vote the Bern, let Hitler get elected, and sleep well knowing you ‘voted your conscience’? Or, is there an aspect of “Trump’ll probably lose anyway” or “Trump isn’t that

I think they need a few days, but they’re easily distracted and confused. Give em a full convention of Hillary and they’ll go from “BernieOrBust” to “BernieOrHillary,IguessI’mOKeitherWay.”

Rachel Maddow was shitting on Bill’s speech saying, “I was waiting for him to say, but enough about me.” as though Bill’s speech was self egrandizing. I thought his speech not only humanized Hillary, and made me root for Hillary like she was a plot line in Love Actually, but that she was a big force in their political

Me and Donald are so happy. We wake up every morning in house build by slaves.

What? Have you not been watching Bernie? I think you’re putting a whole lot of your own baggage on Sanders there, cause he went around to about 10 different delegate breakfasts, and got to the point with his supports that he said, “If you don’t vote for Hillary Clinton, you’ll have to explain to your children why they

If Michelle has never done beat poetry, Michelle should do beast poetry. That one line, “I wake up every morning in a house build by slaves.” was so poignant, so lyrical, so concise, and so powerful. I’m a real sucker for stagecraft, and I’ve fought back more than a few tears so far this DNC (when Bernie’s Brother

Bernie or Bust though is honestly fucking insanity. “If we can’t elect the most progressive person in the race, this country should burn to the ground!” If anyone has dealt with tween girls having a temper tantrum, this is what it sounds like. “I HATE YOU! YOU NEVER LET ME HAVE ANYTHING EVER! IF I CAN’T SEE JUSTIN

I’ve teared up more than a few times tonight watching the DNC.

Well, the UK is fucking tiny.

I think everyone came already knowing that. And if you had any idea of how long and how hard these athletes trained for the “Olympics,” You’d know they would probably all swim through literal shit to compete.

Thank you, and go fuck yourself.

You talkin baad about da Bills?

Yeah, and instead of Draconite, he could say he found a “FIRE”

I kind of think it’s pretty pretentious to say these budget models are gonna be shit in a year or two and can’t keep up with OLED displays for contrast. Sure, OLED is just amazing, but it’s prohibitively expensive and it’ll be YEARS beforeOLEDs are in the sub 1000 range for budget buyers. These tv’s are great, and a

I kind of think it’s pretty pretentious to say these budget models are gonna be shit in a year or two and can’t keep