
I haven’t looked it up, but just check up the input latency time. It’s listed on the tech specs for most of these panels on amazon or on cnet (whether you can find the info). Anything under 50 I would say is totally fine for gaming on a console if you’re not a pro gamer. If you are really competitive, aim for sub 20ms

I haven’t looked it up, but just check up the input latency time. It’s listed on the tech specs for most of these

I would say... depends what you have. If you’re well on the end of the life of your current TV and you want to know whether to hold out for a few more months and wait, pick up another 1080 screen, or go 4k. I would say go 4k. The prices are really really competitive overall, and I’m of the opinion (and this may get my

I would say... depends what you have. If you’re well on the end of the life of your current TV and you want to know

It’s a real iffy legal area there. If you advertise on your website, “Backers who ‘donate’ $1000 are entitled to a free copy of X.” It’s a REALLLL tough sell to a court that it’s a donation and not a purchase. Either way, he did so with the understanding that by donating $2,550, he would receive X. He never got X and

I could physically walk the circumference of the world and it would not be as many miles as Taylor Swift has put on her vagina. #slut

This is basically hardcore mode with 1 health, no? Or does dmg from falling/environmental effects not count?

Harambe? Really? How many zoologists who work with Gorilla’s need to weigh in before you accept that given the circumstance, the Gorilla could’ve popped the kids head like a Tomato?

I support them.

Yes. Different knives are purpose built for various use cases. Hunting knives, chef’s knives, etc. However, most knives, even daggers, can be used for many different work types (you can filet a fish with a cleaver, or open an envelope with a parring knife).

I just thing this knife is unique in that beyond being

That’s the challenge in partial gun bans. Trying to separate guns that are used for self-defense and hunting and sport, and guns that are expressly designed to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible. Making that distinction systematically is tough.

I’m not overly concerned right now with the

Sure, but it’s a knife. I use my knife for everything, and never once has it killed a person. This knife is entirely impractical for all of those things. It’s ONLY good for stabbing and killing something.

First of all, I don’t fully understand why I have a crush on someone I know has plenty of significant faults

Yeah, 4 horsemen might’ve taken almost 20 minutes back in Vanilla and doing the Safety Dance on Heigar could make a fight take 30 minutes, but I wouldn’t by any means say it’s a more challenging fight for the raiders than... Heroic Rag in FL, Heroic Garrosh in SoO, or even Heroic Spine.

That’s how I felt about 25m raiding. I was in a very high end raiding guild in DS, and having 5 healers on some fights... you really only needed 3 for 90% of the fight, and the other two only to pop tranq on the heavy dmg phases. Most of the DPS came from several people and everyone else just was there for buffs or

Coordinating and gearing 40 people. Vanilla was a GRIND and just getting people geared took months. My only beef with Mythic is the 20man req. I always preferred healing in a 10m, which I feel MoP and Cata did very well with, tuning 10-25 man appropriately so it wasn’t like back in Wrath where 10m was free gearing for

Yeah, hard gearchecks are much rarer now than they were before. There are still minimum dps numbers that need to be hit, but that’s generally on heavy movement fights that require proper uses of your rotation and movement to maximize DPS, rather than just getting enough gear to down the boss before you all die

You know you can turn the buffs off, right? Also, Paragon, the first guild in the world to kill the Lich King on 25m heroic couldn’t down him until the 5% buff was there. If you’re saying the buffs made the raid “Faceroll”, you either didn’t know you could turn them off, OR, you severely misremember how difficult ICC

I think he’s UKIP in spirit, but every neuron in his brain knows that it’s crazy talk and would never work.

I guess this means Hammond though, is in the leave camp. Which doesn’t surprise me, as he’s never really thought anything through in his life.

Listening to people who’ve never worked in software say things like “Just fix VAC” gives me fucking cancer.

Filthy Casual
