Overcompensating dicks because they usually get burned or ignored by “teases” or other derogatory terms for the opposite sex, which fuels their misogynistic Hellhole workplace which further alienates and harasses the female work population.
Overcompensating dicks because they usually get burned or ignored by “teases” or other derogatory terms for the opposite sex, which fuels their misogynistic Hellhole workplace which further alienates and harasses the female work population.
I was with you until the last paragraph. You’re a bad guy if you’re acting like a fucking dickhead, and if you were so entrenched in being a dickhead, that you lost sight of how you might be a dickhead, then it’s double and triple dickhead on you.
Virtually every US company with an HR department has had yearly sexual harassment training for the past 15+ yrs, dude
To be fair, that e-mail sig seems entirely appropriate given Activision is managed top-to-bottom by a bunch of dicks.
The signature thing makes me do some serious self reflection. It’s sad to think about. Like, that’s the kind of thing I (a guy) might joke about with some of my close friends (who are guys). It’s something crude but ultimately harmless with a certain group.
You should get fired after the first email. It’s as unprofessional as you can be. That’s where you see video game company aren’t run by people who should be in charge of anything.
Seriously. If someone on my team emailed that, it would be instantly spread to everyone through Slack DMs gossiping about it. I can’t even imagine what kind of culture would allow something like that to slide for years.
Good god, how do you reframe rape in a “more positive light”? No one should be harassed in the workplace, but on some level I can understand how people might try and downplay suggestive comments or someone being a little handsy because they don’t think its really bad. They are wrong, obviously, but I can still try and…
I’m afraid to say “damn” or “hell” in my work group chats sometimes, let alone something like that. Mind boggling.
How the fuck would you even begin to get away with that signature? It takes every single other guy surrounding you within the organization, direct reports and managers, all of them completely abandoning ethics and reason for something like that to persist. Like is it a pun on his actual name? Fucking hell, this…
Dude, no one cares. No one! Bye! Bye! Hit the bricks. You will not be missed. Go to ign, they welcome a fellow complainer. Go full HAM bout SJWs and PC police and to keep politics outta your video games.you’ll get like 20 thumbs up from fellow people talking bout censorship. You’ll get many a virtual back rub from…
My mom tells a story about my Nana‘s reaction to Reagan becoming president. Nana was a teen/young adult during the depression, and her dad spent day after day wandering New York, looking for a job. They were dirt poor until about 1947.
It’s a statement that has morphed with the times.
“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a…
It truly is an abhorrent series. And I can’t even stomach those interviews with the game directors who say, “We’re not trying to be political” with a straight face.
From the word go, Call of Duty was always the slightly creepier, more jingoistic take on ‘historic’ AAA shooters. Early on, it was likely just a way to distinguish itself from Medal of Honor’s more Spielbergian approach to identical subject matter. But as time’s gone on and Call of Duty delved into more contemporary…
Any time you hear about something incredibly corrupt destroying American lives, turns out Reagan helped it get there.
Xbox: is a 2% black company
Cool. Now the racists can cancel their pre-orders and more for the rest of us.