If Mr. Wrench and Yuri don't end up fighting each other, I will be extremely disappointed. This has to happen.
If Mr. Wrench and Yuri don't end up fighting each other, I will be extremely disappointed. This has to happen.
Don't know if anyone's said it yet, but B.D. Wong has confirmed in interviews that Whiterose is a female transgender. They downplay it so much because they don't want it to be the focus of that character.
Compared to previous action scenes, the ones in this episode were NOT anything special. Angar gets knocked out before he can do anything, lame. Francis isn't super strong, just sort of fat, lame. Karla puts up an okay fight, I think, there were a lot of camera cuts it was hard to tell. Tech guy gets knocked out after…
Phew, you saved me a lot of overthinking, thank you.
Ok, with the attention to detail this show has, something really has me bothered. Either it's a mistake or part of the bigger mystery. Where was Reggie Ledoux's spiral tattoo?