Iceland has declared for itself a pretty ambitious goal: to close the gender wage gap by 2020. To get started,…
Iceland has declared for itself a pretty ambitious goal: to close the gender wage gap by 2020. To get started,…
You could tell me poor migrant children are being abducted by Ivanka herself and sent to factories where they’re forced to make her jewelry in exchange for food and water and all I’ll say is, “Yeah, that seems about right.”
Yep. this. Republicans are so concerned about protecting the unborn, yet they give zero shit once those kids are born.
Sooooooooooo are these assholes going to do anything to help make sure these kids make it to adulthood? Are they going to help educate them and make sure they have access to medical care?
You should see the one he did of the Statue of Liberty leaning over to light Trump’s hair on fire. So good.
You could, you know, maybe stop being a total dick to immigrants who want to come here and work hard taking care of all our old people.
“More young girls sounds like a fine idea.”
Of course he wants people to have more babies - how else will there be a perpetual underclass to work for the One Percenters, buy their goods, and (eventually) have their organs harvested for the benefit of their betters?
Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?
Paul Ryan. The Koch brothers’ blue-eyed goon. Go home, Paul.
I don’t give a shit about how much a ball punch hurts. Any man who gropes me without my consent is getting his balls kicked up to his throat.
How about this? No woman (no person) deserves to be raped. If you rape or sexually assault someone, you deserve the self-defense that comes at you.
You know, after, what, dozens? hundreds? of sexual assaults—and let’s be clear, by law, that is what grabbing someone’s butt without consent is—I have no problem with this. She was defending herself from ongoing assault and gaslighting, and that’s what she came up with.
Dude here. Kicking a guy in the balls is a pretty bad thing to do, but then again so is repeatedly grabbing a girl’s butt. Seems like a pretty appropriate response to inappropriate/unwanted touching.