Blue Dot

What a shock. You wouldn’t expect that from a company that’s been shelling out millions for sexual harassment lawsuits for the last decade or so.

I was just thinking about how ironic it is that the beginning of Fox News’ current problem is the result of someone there actually trying to be a legitimate news outlet. Calling AZ for Biden in 2020 was what a real news organization should do, but once they did, their entire “infotainment” operation went into cardiac

What was the first clue that Tucker Carlson/ Fox News were horrifically sexist, other than everything about them

No. No they don’t. The adults in the family need to be tried and jailed and have whatever real assets they possess to be seized. I’m 100% behind that hope.

“And to replace that lost income from not working, set up manufacturing and brand licensing deals with China! I don’t know why everyone thinks that’s hard!”

She is so tone deaf, as is her entire family. Speaking of which, any updates on the tennis pavillion? 

“I be fine with a woman as President. But I just don’t want Christine LaGarde to be that President.”

Now playing

This morning, European Central Bank President Christine LaGarde gave an address and press conference to explain the Euro Zone response to the current crisis. She was superb, as always: measured, informed, presenting practical solutions, and imparting a sense of calm to anyone listening (at least that ship’s tiller is

I’ve argued with my wife, who thinks Hilary only lost because she was a woman, for 4 years. The lack of support for Ms. Warren, who is far and away the most qualified and most deserving candidate in this election, has ended my argument.

Man talk about trading down...it's like turning in your Porsche to get a Pinto. 

Gotta be impressed with what passes for selling points in this family.

“Four more years of Donald Trump! I say that every chance I get, I just like to trigger the left...”

My wife gave birth to our first last year. It was mind blowing how much the female body goes through to perpetuate life. I’ve never been more humbled. Watching your child be born is like being shown the center of the universe — and an abject lesson that while there is a center of the universe, it if definitively not

They should just change to title to either the White House’s Fox Liaison or the Ambassador to Fox Nation.

New goal: get Devin Nunes’ cow into Congress

I just went over to Fox News comments to see what folks are saying...it’s literally all 1. ”Deep state” 2. “Corrupt Dems will do anything to get him out” pepper in a few “what about Obama’s crimes”

“These allegations are being made by a man who is currently out on bail for federal crimes and is desperate to reduce his exposure to prison.”

I am stunned - stunned, I tell you! - that the woman didn’t swoon at his bravado and spend the rest of the flight sitting in his lap, buying little bottles of Kahlua, and planning their engagement party.

Also, “I’m a CHRISTIAN”.