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    What's your limiting principle to this thesis? People spend a ton of money on things significantly less worthwhile than homeless shelters. Should we stop making movies, music, and gadgets and just pour all our money into social problems? Please tell me.

    What's so awesometastic about Spotify? There are plenty of subscription services here in the U.S.

    Cool. Didn't know Mapquest still existed after Google tried to kill it by favoring its maps site over Mapquest's in its search results.

    You said that neither Dr. Gabe Mirkin nor Dr. Samuel Jacobson are oncologists, but perhaps they are proctologists?

    It's hard to believe that it would be difficult to enable wifi on Android 3.0. XDA can probably get that accomplished in a weekend.

    So are you going to recommend not buying an iPad2? If you think people are upset when they get an iPad over the holidays and the iPad2 is released in the Spring, think of the uproar when someone buys an iPad2 on the day it's released and 4 months later a new one comes out.

    How could Sprint not be nonchalant about webOS? Palm released three phones with the OS in the past few years.

    There's no market for drug cures. This will never see a human release.

    Looking forward to the next installment in this series, entitled "How to Train Your Dragon"

    @Hello Mister Walrus: There's no magic number, it's just conjured up to match Gizmodo's "we need an iArticle" cycle.

    Wow, that's just dumb.

    It's Friday? What time zone are you in?

    Finally positive reviews about subscription services. Don't really see why this is a "lifechanger," however, when Rhapsody has been around for ages.

    @SKiTz: Motorola smartphones with Blur have sold countless more times than the Nexus 1 or Nexus S. Companies look at sales, not anonymous posts on Gizmodo.

    @dtptampa: Tech site readers are not the majority of gadget buyers.

    149 vs. 199 does not equal almost twice as more.

    Handing your cherished telephone number over to Google. Good idea?

    @Error601: The theory hinging on the fact that Google Voice will exist forever, and that if it doesn't, it will "give" you your number back. That's a very big assumption.

    "all U.S. carriers have decided to refuse to pay for the Android 2.2 update, in hopes that the devaluation of the Galaxy S line will cause Samsung to drop their fees and give the update to the carriers."