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    @battra92: Phone calls are gross. :)

    @Boss Mojoman: All of Verizon and Sprint's phones should be "world phones," and if not all, then at least any phone either carrier would label as a "smartphone."

    @Aurailious: This is a reasonable question: are there going to be two updated OS's floating around 3.x and 2.x from now on?

    Call it Ice. Just Ice. All the other releases are one name.

    @nwc211: Some countries outside the U.S. use CDMA. But most don't.

    So happy to be on Sprint right now.

    @Erik The Red: Oh yes, everyone cleans up before they leave because the rules clearly said to.

    A post about re-naming runways. Wow.

    Is this twitter? What's the deal with all these personal stories about bathing?

    @Erik The Red: Yeah, that was damn stupid. Sharing hot tubs. Lucky that all you got was a week-long rash. You might want to get tested for other things.

    Nice hands.

    It's not the Nexus S because 1) at 4.5 inches it's not a mass-market friendly enough, but, and more importantly 2) it's not available yet and Google didn't want to wait.

    Whoa! Technology is letting me hit 1 more ride! THE FUTURE IS HERE!

    You're wasting your money. Subscribe to Rhapsody. Not sure why everyone is going bananas for the ever-elusive Spotify when Rhapsody has been around for years.