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    Hilarous. Getting angry at a company for taking a stand by arguing that it's not enough.

    "Reserved please do not buy clock made from a recycled magnetic tape reel"

    @Arken: When an iPad is a necessity and not a luxury, one's sense of price gets warped.

    It's only a good gift if you also email the recipient with the gift card info (afterwards) so he can have it once he loses the gift card, which he will inevitably do.

    One day shipping on Sonos products FTW!


    0.14 down, 0.23 up.

    On free inflight wifi now. I read this article and didn't think it could be this bad, but it is. Unbelievably horrendous. Can't get any work done because my remote desktop can barely run.

    Oh, I thought this was going to be an article about Magic Johnson from 10 years ago.

    To all of you who are worried about your docs in the cloud: Do you guys not work at offices where people create documents all day and everything is saved on the server and you send around links to documents instead of the actual documents, so you can collaborate, not make changes while someone else is making changes,

    A lot of people in third world countries slaved to make and mine the parts for all those laptops Google destroyed, not to mention the chemicals released into the atmosphere as a result of the manufacture and mining. This was excessive.

    You really should have noted at the bottom of this article that it's written under the assumption that the moon landing actually happened. :)

    Why doesn't HTC just make two version of each of their phones: one with Sense and one without? Then we wouldn't be salivating every time a Nexus comes out, and we could have the EVO and Incredible with Gingerbread in a matter of weeks, instead of months.

    @TortillaLover: That would work better if it was the Nexus 1S

    Sabotage by Microsoft out of anger about their microsd fiasco?

    These kinds of articles are annoying. Is there a "no rosa" article filter?

    This is good news, but have their been any studies on the effects of daily aspirin on fan death?

    @113Doctor: It doesn't actually extend your life, it just makes your life feel longer.

    "I have seen this to be true on Verizon's Droid phones, and have verified that data can be accessed during calls on the GSM-powered T-Mobile and AT&T networks, including on AT&T's iPhone 4."