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    @msakbar: Ever hear of webMB at 35,000 feet? Duh.

    @JDickson87: LTE has a lower frequency and thus should be much better than penetrating walls than WiMax.

    "We'll never get back to the days of the all-you-can-download buffet."

    @Almightywhacko: Not that I have an Android phone, but have you tried Beautiful Widgets?

    ultra-light = ultra-death

    @Vega7: If you think it's bad a banks, think about how it is on Wall Street.

    Uh, this is obviously so that cavemen wouldn't get lost when looking for food. Completely evolutionary. People who walked in straight lines got lost and got dead.

    No need to be upset because you didn't feel comfortable enough to stip down to see-through lingerie. It's going to all be ok.

    @EljhHck: And this is the attitude that lets things slide by that should be stopped: oh, it's too much of a bother to change it, so forget about it.

    @Seven06Renault: The first amendment is about the government impinging on the free speech of its citizens, not about one person criticizing another for what he says. Didn't you learn this by now?

    Here's to the government buying scanners and not using them.

    Oh, THAT powder. Yawn.

    "Some airports report zero opt-outs."

    @Homer Berkowitz: So just modify the concept; it's all fake to begin with. Have three different hourglasses, one on top of the other, in the same order as current street lights.

    @Brad Roth: Always nice to make yourself feel better by not being helpful in any way. Thanks!

    @Goof_Troop: You weren't really confused. But we get it, you're a close and astute reader. Congrats.

    I don't understand what the author is talking about. How about providing a link to further information.

    @HK-47: Because blowing up planes scares the shit out of people.

    I wonder what gym she goes to.