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    Is there anything illegal about being a shirtless male at an airport? It might make for a good showing to have a show of anger with the TSA by encouraging all males to go through security without shirts on. It may also make security go faster too :)

    Why run stories like this to make these dangerous drinks seem cooler than they really are, and encourage idiot teenagers that they're fun forbidden fruit?

    Yes, it's quite interesting that Woz shares the obvious view that Nokia is boring and old hat.

    @xido: Your personal reply is so amazingly interesting, and keeps uzb3K's comment fresh and wild. Can you tell us more about what other comments you've replied to lately. We're all so interested to know.

    @jyknyc: Oh wait, maybe I'm wrong.

    @microinjectionist: You apparently don't realize that the Duo can be detached from the keyboard, so it's not bulky like a convertible tablet.

    So it's heavy, laggy, has no pinch-to-zoom in the browser, and it costs $250, significantly more than a Kindle. Why is this Approved? For advertising revenue?

    Will it heck?

    @Ace: The proprietary charger point wasn't a general point that they suck, but rather that this particular one is going to be hard to find. You can find an iPad charger anywhere.

    The overdocumentation of reality.TM

    Autism link anyone?

    @fastactingrelief: Daily exposure doesn't mean that it works through your system in about 24 hours, it means that it runs through your system in 24 hours. It doesn't mean that you have contact with BPA every 24 hours.

    It's not about 4G or 3G, it's about speed. We have grown accustomed to what 3G speeds are. Those networks that are faster than 3G but technically 3G should not have to be restricted to calling themselves 3G. The myTouch 4G is a-ok with me.

    @leadingZer0: B&N likes being second. Before they were second to the Kindle, and now they're second to the iPad. We'll have to wait and see what new form factors come out in the next year or two, and B&N will then release one of those and give up on their welfare iPad.

    @jblues: This isn't an e-reader. It has an LCD display.

    This article should be renamed:

    For those of you wondering where are there photobooths anymore, a quick google of "Bar 107" reveals that this was taken at a bar in downtown LA.

    @mykie: LOL. Samsung says their Galaxy X line will get Froyo at the end of September. Unacceptably late. I was thinking about the Epic, but I'm not interested in waiting on Samsung.