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    @lbberkeley: It's not about "private" information. Do you feel like getting mail spam from all these companies that may now know your address?

    Amazing or sad?

    How come some of these upgrades (better battery, faster page turns, webkit browser) didn't make it onto the new DX, which was so recently released?

    iPhone 5 FTW!

    @dallasmay: And where do people fit these 2 cars? Pay auto insurance for both cars? If for the price of the Volt you can get two cars, one electric and one gas, but can do it in the space of 1, it's a win. How can you think otherwise?

    Yes, the price is high. But it will fall quickly, as most of the cost is from the electronics, and as loyal Giz readers we know how quickly the prices of electronics technology fall. You can now uncrease the panties you have in bunch.

    @dallasmay: The Leaf only goes 100 miles on a charge. There's no backup gas engine. It's going to be a huge failure.

    @trinibigboy: It's always easier to make a sequel than to create a new disaster out of whole cloth.

    @Crisss1205: List of things Volt buyers will want that are not standard: Premium Trim Package, Rearview Camera, and heated seats. That's a couple thousand extra, buddy.

    @jerritp: California has a ton of green electricity. I signed up with ConEd and have 100% green electricity, I'm sure many have as well (you can sign up for anywhere from 10% to 100%). If these same people buy Chevy Volts, they'll seriously be reducing their carbon footprint.

    Just preordered one! I hope the antennae works for the early adopters

    Does the Dyson prevent fan death?

    You guys should do a separate post about David Lanham.

    @satirical duck hat: It won't count as sales, but it will be a nice boost when MSFT can say "X number of WP7 users" when trying to lure developers, when tooting their own horn, etc .

    @rashad123us: It gets resurrected, just like Jesus

    The "iPhone's signal display, which might be the best of any smartphone"? What?