
I’m still hung up on the Big Mac answer. I realize that having an underling source it from a local franchise is the reasonable take, but it must taste like crap by the time it gets back to Trump. Both the burger and the fries cold would be completely cold and soggy. That stuff needs to be eaten right away. I never eat

Two words, Donald: Fashion Tape. Works great, and is incredibly discreet as well.

Great tip. I've been doing this for the last few months on a big coding project at work. I allow myself to get to a rational stopping point, leave my windows of code open, and then write down the next 2-5 tasks I need to accomplish on a notepad next to my keyboard while everything is still fresh in my mind.

Ah yes, The All-Ett wallet. That may be one of the finest things I ever spent $20 on. Everywhere I go people marvel at it's sleekness and how much you can stuff into such a thin profile. Not sure if it's appeared on Lifehacker before, but it's worth a post of it's own if it hasn't. See www.all-ett.com for details.