
on the bright side, at least this strategy led bioware to make a bunch of different games. instead of being locked to 1 blockbuster IP like most development houses get pigeon holed into (either by themselves or the publisher). what was weird about both of their sequels that they did(mass effect and dragon age) were

it's to show you how awesome each hit is.

the title should read Duke Nukem, Forever Delayed

valve, the creative assembly, dice,gearbox,relic,cdprojekt,gog, ati, amd, asus.

in bioware's defense they did not make kotor 2.obsidian did. but i hate their dlc model with the dragon age games. so i just wait for the ultimate editions.

it's nothing new,remember anna kournakova? she was the most popular tennis player for a while, despite not winning that often. she was in so many ads, and had a plethora of posters.

that was awesome. i need some charmin!

i never saw that! thanks for posting it!

iron storm on saturn looked better than that

"they actually like pc's" was referring to another site i recommended.

yeah i pretty much gave up on reading pc related articles here. there are usually snide remarks in the articles.and they actually like pc's.

you should try the gyration mouse too. they have been out for years. they have a x and y axis, no z like wii.

wholesale pricing is around 5-10 below retail, places like best buy could go lower to get you into the store. it's why they could make games 15 below on sale at launches.


yeah my digital collection far exceeds my physical collection. and when i say physical i mean over the last 10 years. the steam sales have my index finger trained. ooo it's 5 dollars this weekend..... buy. ooo my friends kid wants it too buy as a gift.will i play it right now? no. but i have it! that is all that

of course they are doing it for the money. i don't go to work everyday for nothing.

especially when you take into account how much it costs to fund the develop a MMO. i'm all for hardcore games, but the developer NEEDS to be around after it releases. over the last 5 years so many have either closed or been absorbed by the big corporations.

i bet MS is foaming at the mouth, waiting to charge windows users for themes and wallpapers.

it was well know that they went to the 60 price range ust to make money. all those shitty ce editions of games were test runs to see if people would pay 60 for a game. the article i read years ago was about ea coming to that decision after seeing how many le maddens were sold that year vs standard. i can't remember

most "good cards" have had 1gb of ram for the past 3 years. and it should not say elitist pc owners, it should say just pc players (or the ones who are aren't dumbasses who breath through their mouths who think it costs 5000 every 6 months to play a pc game)