
the problem with this and the epic video is, we need new consoles that are capable of this as well. because with all over the devs jumping ship to consoles as the main version over the years, it seems pointless. especially the epic one. all cliffy b has done is talk shit about pc(but forgot who made him "cliffy b" in

i know i was thinking the same thing. i just purchased all 3 on steam over the holidays. they look amazing. i really haven't played a tomb raider since the first one

it's hilarious, i thought wtf am i to do?!!! then i remembered what i used to do before the internet and all these electronic devices took over our lives.....i used to read a book before bed. not a kindle or ebook, but the regular ones made out of paper.

my main issues are the insane grenade spam and kill streaks, but this has plagued the series since the first one. in WAW the maps were a little bigger and they didn't have as many ridiculous kill streaks. and black ops introduced flak jackets which help a lot. oh and i hate the knife system. you have people just

holy crap that engine looks amazing! after playing the crysis 2 demo i lost hope in pc versions of games. this gives me hope. KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

i have been wanting the same thing for years!!


most people that play all those facebook games don't even play games pc OR console. well maybe the sims. most of the spam i get on my fb for those games are from people who haven't owned a console since the snes days.it's a whole new demographic. both will do fine.

it's no different than americans' annual blitzkrieg of sports games. limited editions, midnight launches, people playing the game on espn competitively, it's a little insane.

omg what?! as she's smoking a frakkin' cigarette!!

that was pretty hilarious!!

i'm still rocking my sf 25th anniversary stick. yay for the usb to ps2 adapter.

the third one was pretty bad ass!

@LucasReis: that's how i am. i never cared for achievements.

@Patrick Aghajanian: yeah i just checked and it's not there for me either. i only bought 1 pack....

@riceKRISPYninja: yeah most likely ahah! although watching that video it seems there is some sort of order there, like ants or something.

@JakesHL: good lord! that intersection is in some serious need of traffic lights....

@rodrigues124: haha i am forever in bronze league as well.