Joan Callamezzo

Did they forget to embed the video of these two guys jerking each other off? It seems that must have been going on while this discussion was being had, right?

Soloway needs to show her work on this one.

Insult, sure, but is it really much of an assumption?

Your comment history suggests you are above that sort of dishonest attack.

So you are comfortable equating a live comedy show on HBO with a TV-MA rating to that of the workplace of "most people?"

Not even close. The context of saying an offhand but also terribly offensive joke during a live show. Don't be disingenuous.

Anyone else working on that exact show making that terrible joke in that same context?

So, what exactly is the appropriate punishment? People are suggesting that an apology is not enough. Ok, now what?

We don't know for certain if selfish motivation makes the act a net negative. It may simply just deeply discount the points earned.

Don't forget that Bambadjan made a last minute attempt to save or at least delay the inevitable. A similar eleventh hour intervention may have been planned but was preempted by Eleanor.

Good catch! And that is a nice bit of base-covering by the writers that appears early on. This show is so great.

Good question.

The Medium Place is legitimate though, right? We know that Janet is more or less independent due to Michael's flashback, and that squares with his subsequent statement as to her nature.

"More clear is that Sypha has apparently been hiding her gender."

Is there any indication that the manual and in-game text references to "he" were actually intentional and not, you know, errors? I know it takes away from the think-piecy nature of things, but it is a fair question.

If we are substituting race for "particular nationality" (which I think is perfectly fair to do), then doesn't the question become why is he doing that?

So are we positing that physical attraction predicated on features that may predominantly be observed or associated with a particular race is, in and of itself, fetishizing?

It is a pretty great album. I don't want to say you are wrong, but since you did ask……

That's pretty much where I was going with it. You can't read the line in a vacuum.

What makes it cringeworthy for you?