
The principal problem with the institutional Democratic Party as it exists today is that confuses the axiom “never fight a battle you don’t have to win” with “never fight a battle you can’t win”. Those two axioms aren’t the same, and the Democratic confusion on the issue results not just in innocent bystanders

She may not vote for the camps, but she sure as fuck is gonna fund ‘em.

1861 Chait: Sure, big-city liberal Philadephia voters, but is that going to play with the blue-collar voters you need in Lancaster or the Pittsburgh suburbs?

The fact that you call it “liberalism” A. shows you’re missing the point and B. shows you’re probably not engaging in good faith anyway.

It’s not about what you (or I) thought, though, Breaker. It’s about what pundits like Chait were saying then, and that they were dead fucking wrong.

As a Centrist Moderate, I’m on your side. And since I am definitely on your side, you should take my advice and discard the Extreme Leftists in your, I mean our, Democrat Primary and rush to push forward the very kind of sensible, electable candidate that will appeal to everyone by appealing to no one (and vice versa),

Somehow this dumbfuck ideology persists even though Trump was supposedly the least-electable 2016 Republican candidate.

Fun fact, yes they did!

It’s not that there is evidence Warren or Sanders are more electable; it’s that there’s no evidence that Biden is (more on that below), and that’s his main case for voting for him. If he’s going to run on that, he’s going to have to win some elections, but that hasn’t happened yet. Electability can only be proven

It is only ever the fringe on either side who moves policy.

This latest dodge on climate responsibility is as pernicious as it is shallow and it’s been weird to read it put forth so often even by people who should know better. Just because someone else is doing a bad thing doesn’t mean you have license to also do the bad thing.

And in a larger sense, just because you doing a

Lots of Democrats have lied about Ilhan Omar and smeared her. Being bigoted against Muslims is a bipartisan past time. Politicians from both sides love that AIPAC money and they send out big checks to people that lie about Ilhan Omar and any other Muslim in office.

Simmons: Right.

Dear Max -- it’s true that we can’t expect leaders to know everything. But I think we can expect even the dumbest leader to call the cops when it comes to child rape.

I think you like the term “skull fuck” too much. Also, you’re a quitter whose been skull fucked into complacency.

In the early 70s I briefly identified as a Maoist

Yeah it'd be so hilarious to try to elect senators who actually represent their constituents interests instead of just being mealy-mouthed cuck losers like you, a real knee-slapper!

The GOP is slowly marching the general welfare to a Soylent Green situation, and Creeping Joe and the centrist part of the DNC are happy to make it happen

Aside from being a fucking serial killer, being a Democratic donor is pretty much his entire persona. He’s given Democrats at least a quarter of a billion dollars. That’s rarefied air.