
the part where you decide “the democratic house attaches conditions to the sack of money Trump was asking for, a thing wholly within their power, as demonstrated in the government shutdown earlier the same year” is worse than meekly signing off on Trump’s desired atrocity.

“If you’re truly asking yourself why they voted for it, why not take their word for it? The bill contained humanitarian aid that would only be allocated with the passage of the bill. You and I agree that it was a terrible bill; however, going to the July 4 recess without achieving some kind of resolution on the

end of month, June 2019, friend.

do you remember when Donald Trump got you to proclaim shallow graves in the desert were good, and opposing them was unrealistic, friend.

bernie and warren were both not democrats in the 80s.

your fear is ~delicious~

the centrist is obliged to go to bat for George W. Bush being no biggie, in order to own the libs. it’s extremely weird.

some people get really upset, about hearing the things they do are not moral, for some reason.

let’s just all calm down, and remember that killing a million or so people is nowhere near as offensive as a kid asking not to drown in boiling seawater.

and indiscriminately butchering people across a dozen nations whose only crime was sharing a skin tone with the guy who did it is “retaliation”

thank heaven we killed enough people to make you feel good

you’re going to be tired, and you’re going to be distracted, and for the last few months of your pregnancy you are not going to be as mobile as you used to be. from a sheer engine-of-capital-must-extract-maximum-value-from-you standpoint, a pregnant woman is a less attractive value proposition than a man is.

oh, it’s real common. pregnant people aren’t going to be able to work for the duration of maternity leave, and will not be bringing their A-game for at least another year or two around that. on a brute maximizing organizational efficiency level, firing them to avoid that whole headache is a no-brainer.

picture the guy who, after having been punched, proceeds to gun down an entire floor of an office building, sets the building on fire, and then guns down anyone trying to flee the burning building.

what’s a couple million dead between friends

yeah seriously everything in Alexander Hamilton’s political life was dedicated the proposition all possible executive power should be vested in one man, and if at all possible that man’s name should be Alexander Hamilton. it was not a coincidence that the second he did not have Daddy around to catch bullets for him

...what an odd response to being shown to be 100% wrong.

people very worried about socialists letting black people move into their neighborhood, OP

imagine, briefly, the kind of person who spent time agonizing over deciding whether Biden or Buttigeig got his money

like i said. whiter than the center of the sun. also, appreciably more male, and appreciably more upper-class.