
Jeyne Westerling was her name (I'll admit that I punched that into google to make sure I was remembering it correctly, since I read that book a few years ago now).

Well at least for that one role I wish she had followed her grandfather's example and kept her mouth shut.

It took me a minute to remember who Talisa Stark was. Man, fuck Robb's fake wife, it was the one change from the book that actually significantly detracted from the story.

Wait, what ever happened to the second Lindsay Lohan-looking girl from The Parent Trap remake?

Wait, how the fuck is Modest Mouse not on here?

There are two kinds of people in this world: French postmodernists and fascists.

I'm sorry Mr. Tompkins, but the correct answer was "The Travel Bug" episode of The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project. Better luck next time!

It depends. If you like his early stuff, this album is for you, but otherwise this whole album sounds like the least musically-interesting cuts off his last three (superior) albums. It's the difference between Sea Change and the rest of Beck's catalogue.

"Nothing that any of these dirty, filthy liars tell you is the truth."
"Then what is the truth?"
"No comment."

Will Ferrell is going to claim in interviews that he thought the movie was written and directed by Ethan Coen.

Someone's been reading too much Pynchon.

They'd be smart to ignore basically everything that happens after the third book, because even Martin didn't care about Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons might as well be fan fiction.

I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Burns at San Francisco's ACT last month. The author takes the idea of The Simpsons being the basis of a social bond between people and takes it to its logical conclusion in a post-apocalyptic future. Its third act is among the most brilliant single acts in any play, which Mr. Dowd is

I think that it should be a part of every film critic's job to either boycott or write harsh invective about all sequels and remakes. As advocates for the art form, critics are derelict in their duty to promote original and new films when they review and discuss franchises; any discussion of a franchise film that is

Resurrection is infinitely more enjoyable than Prometheus. At least it didn't weigh itself down with an unearned sense of gravitas.

At least putting another Death Star in Episode 7, and I mean an exact replica of the space stations from the original trilogy that the characters call "another Death Star," would show that they have a sense of humor about the whole thing, which, from everything I can tell so far, they certainly do not.

Haha yeah, unless she wants to put on this nice clean red shirt. (my knowledge of the living cast members of TOS is sadly lacking)

Good thing Shatner and Takei are still alive so they can go find him and bring him back. Right?

Dear Mr. Viking,