
Outsized? How, exactly? I think it’s proportionate. I actually think it didn’t go far enough.

I would like to provide another friendly reminder to everyone here that major brands pulling their ads off Youtube are not a violation of any YouTubers’ free speech. This is because only the government is prevented from restricting free speech. To say that businesses are violating the free speech of bigots by pulling

Shut up and take my multipass!

What about that thing where you shit yourself a little but it doesn’t get on your underwear so you can go in the bathroom at work and clean it up with paper towels and then hide the paper towels at the bottom of the trash can because the plumbing is too old to flush them and then you hope no one finds the paper towels

Annnmnnnnnd Jalopnik falls for the joke

I always ask jokingly but seriously “upgrade for free?” when they say that and go from there.

But these rules don’t work with the Kirk/Riker Laws of exploring the Galaxy: Penis first. The way God intended.

The day the F-35 becomes any kind of great at all is when they manage to successfully change into Gerwalk and Battroid mode. And rename it the Valkyrie VF-1S.

He said he would get the coordinates and dive it in the summer. Even if that’s just to get his tool back, I’m sure he’d grab the steel too.

Unrelated, but can someone make a movie where her and Hayley Atwell kick ass and take names?

It’s a damn shame that Ridley abandoned Instragram because people couldn’t refrain from being horrible anonymous assholes. Her IG feed was one of the most unabashedly positive accounts I’ve seen (celebrity or otherwise) and the fact that trolls fucked that up is just another example of why we can’t have nice things.

Of all the things that can be dumped in a lake, a steel ingot has literally no effect on the ecosystem or water chemistry.

Nailed it.

Perhaps FA was “inexplicably” successful (for a Gawker sub) because Tyler was heavy on the technical content & analysis and light with the politics.

Personally, I prefer not to pay more for my Amazon purchases. Unions have had their time but all they do now is artificially drive up prices of goods and services.

The ships make noise in space. The first movie is about a space princess and her robots getting saved by a magic farm boy who randomly gets thrown in a wild space fighter to save the day. The second movie has a generic snow monster. The third movie has fuckin ewoks. Thats not even getting into the prequels.

3. Guaranteed all the people kneeling in the sand exceed 5'6".

How about a double decker arm rest?