

@greytone: Funny how that the government seems calm, reasonable and sane in comparison to the megacorps

There is some good news.

Apple does have quite a few products available in a lot of different configurations now.

2 things are obvious:

@georhehagi: I can attest to having tried to use a Netbook in the past this is a huge positive

@dherts: I didn't but some fool who writes for the WSJ seemed to

@WetSkeletonz: Apple never seems to worry about market share and has been able to make a crap load of profit over the last few quarters.

One More Thing...

@runplaysleeprun: It will eventually verify it. Took about 10 minutes but at least it doesn't time out.

@Ian Logsdon: If you are using it as a sole platform then yes but if it is on a network or cloud where you can have access to files and don't need it to run a lot of different applications it's a good fit.

@KLanD: Are you really plan on doing computing on this thing that will require a faster processor?

@Chris Rodney: Hopefully they will as it's still 9 months off

@j.walk3: Surprise, surprise.

@Drive-by troll: Like the iphone/ipad one button press to full use.

Really don't need one but it would be an awesome road warrior.

Lion not ready until Summer 2011