
I want Cid with shortpants

This is actually why I think Saints Row went so wrong with their 3rd and especially 4th installments. The appeal of GTA (and of the first two Saints Row games) is that you are placed in a world that greatly resembles our own. The game encourages you to unravel that realism, and in doing so things feel hilariously and

Let's get real: neither of those things are in danger of happening any time soon. Publishers run on money, and they make the most money in the holiday season. We all love video games, and to not buy the big video games we so often want to play is a pretty drastic step.

he downloaded for our sins

Here's a much better attempt by artist bloochikin on deviant art. Hers actually manages to keep the fun and off kilter personalities of the characters instead of turning them into generic and bland fashion models.