
Well Joan is reliably hateful and derisive, so no surprise there. Jill is obviously not a perfect person, but out of all the Duggars she has shown the most growth and willingness to push back against her family. I hate to see a survivor of child sexual abuse and cult manipulation be spoken about in such a cruel and

Don’t put words in OP’s mouth. 

Ridiculous. My mom is an oncologist and her hospital doesn’t have enough tests to test “asymptomatic” employees who have been exposed to COVID while working. How on earth is what Cardi and her people do more essential than fighting cancer? Why are we wasting tests on them when they can just STAY HOME??

This article misses a huge point which is that in Medieval and Early Modern European art the spindle in generally a reference to the Virgin Mary. Mary was said to have been spinning thread for the temple cloth at the time of the annunciation. Depictions of and references to the scene were extremely common in art. 

What’s scary is that she actually truly is 23. She’s just has such bad fillers and plastic surgery that she looks like she’s 15+ years older.

It’s highly unlikely that you have “a couple of acquaintances” who have been reinfected with covid. There are only 4 confirmed cases of reinfection WORLDWIDE. Don’t spread misinformation on the internet. 

Same same same same. This is easily the most impeccably restored house I’ve ever seen, and the furnishings are so tasteful and well done. I didn’t even think americans were capable of pulling something like this off. That said FUCK em, and after we eat the rich lets use their house as a residence for the new head of

You’re reading too far into this. That’s not how the supreme court works. Agree or disagree with Roberts’ politics he is demonstrating good jurisprudence and isn’t a flunky for Trump. You should learn about how the court works before cooking up conspiracy theories. 

That’s completely true. I’m sure there are a (literal) handful of teens on tiktok that believe in pizzagate but the vast VAST majority are extremely politically woke and literate. But go off I guess. 

I can’t get over how...... not that old Ruby Bridges is. This just happened. 

It’s especially disgusting to me how in the middle of demeaning and yelling at at a black woman, Karen’s voice and temperament completely change when she says “Come in babe,” to sweetly wave the white girl into the pool.

I live in DC and have been attending the protests all week, and the scariest thing to me is the presence of literal mercenary contractors mixed in with the police. They are driving around the city in unmarked SUVs and trucks, and are identifiable by their mismatched military style gear that doesn’t bear any

I don’t know why this made me laugh out loud, but it did. 

I’m so bored of quarantine shamers. Is she rich and privileged? Yes. Did she shelter in place? Also yes. Did she contribute to the overtaxation of the local health system? Arguably no if they were in a tourist town and followed social distancing guidelines. I’m.... not outraged. 

The workers at my neighborhood grocery store have N95s and face shields. Not sure where she’s shopping. 

How exactly do you want us to acquire these surgical masks? Do you provide them or do I need to steal them from a local hospital? And if I can’t find one will you volunteer to get my groceries for me because my city forbids us from going out in public without one. Thanks!!!

I don’t understand the mental gymnastics of the average Jezebel reader. Felons and inmates voting = good. Guy accused but not charged of sexual assault donating to a campaign = FUCK him. These kinds of purity politics are why the left is never going to win another presidential election.  

Wait... you have all of those pants on at once?

Thank god you’re here. Yeah I’m sure these are cute outfits, but if you wear this stuff you’re going to look like a tourist from the burbs. You’re also going to sweat to death. 

I’m feeling very gaslit by these comments. You don’t need long underwear unless its in the 20s or below, and even then you can just wear tights under your jeans. I only wear long underwear when it’s single digits or lower. But if you are coming in the next couple weeks it will be in the 40s and 50s mostly which (even